'You don't need to use that bathroom,' Lindsay called after him. 'I was only in there because I was cleaning it. There's an en suite over there...'

She gestured with her head and Ben followed her instructions, grunting with satisfaction as he found the large bathroom.

Ellie was staring at her cousin in disbelief. 'Why were you cleaning the bathroom? You're in labour, for goodness' sake.'

Lindsay shrugged sheepishly. 'Nesting, I suppose. I decided it needed doing.'

'You're mad,' Ellie stated with conviction, glancing up as Ben called over his shoulder from the bathroom.

'Can you run me through your obstetric history while I wash my hands? This is your first pregnancy—correct?' He turned on the hot tap and reached for the soap.

Lindsay answered his questions as thoroughly as she could before breaking off and whimpering as another pain hit her. 'Oh, Ellie...'

'Breathe with her,' Ben instructed over his shoulder as he lathered his hands and forearms with soap, 'and then get me some clean towels.'

He certainly wasn't given to small talk, Ellie mused as she held Lindsay's hand and reminded her how to breathe.

Lindsay followed her cousin's cue and breathed out slowly, perspiration glistening on her forehead.

'I'm OK now. Thanks. You know where the towels are.'

Quickly Ellie fetched the towels and piled them on the chair.

Ben helped himself and then sat down on the edge of the bed. 'OK, this is what we're going to do, First of all Ellie is going to have a hot shower and change out of those wet things. While she's doing that, I'm going to take a look at you so that we know what we're dealing with.'

Ellie suddenly realised that seeing Lindsay had distracted her from the fact that she was freezing cold.

Without further argument, she reached into her cousin's wardrobe and dragged out a pair of jeans and a soft jumper and made for the shower.

Five minutes later her skin was glowing pink and warm from the hot water and the shivering had stopped. She dried her hair roughly with the damp towel and then walked quickly back into the bedroom, startled to see Lindsay smiling. What on earth had made her smile? Not Ben surely?

He glanced at her and his own smile faded, his dark gaze suddenly hard. 'Get back in that bathroom and dry your hair properly.'

Obviously the smile was reserved for Lindsay.

Rolling her eyes, she returned to the bathroom, picked up the hairdryer and waved it absently in the direction of her hair until it fell in soft, dark waves around her shoulders.

Lindsay looked at her critically as she walked back into the room. 'You'd better help yourself to a belt or you're going to lose those jeans.'

Ellie glanced down at herself, a rueful expression on her face. It was true that the jeans were loose, but they'd do.

'Look at her,' Lindsay murmured to Ben as she rubbed a hand over her stomach. 'She puts on my pre-pregnancy jeans and they're too loose. I hate her. She's got legs up to her armpits and boobs to die for, and the worse thing is she never notices.'

'It's just a body, Lindsay,' Ellie mumbled. 'Everyone's got one.'

Lindsay opened her mouth to say something else and then groaned as another contraction hit her. Ellie was by her side in an instant, holding her cousin's hand and helping her breathe slowly.

'I can feel something! It's coming, I know it is. Oh, Ellie do something!' Lindsay clutched her hand tightly and Ellie looked helplessly at Ben.

'Get me some more light,' he ordered, tugging on a pair of gloves and preparing to examine Lindsay again. 'Lindsay, I'm going to take a look now and see what's going on.'

Ellie grabbed a bedside lamp and removed the shade, exposing the bulb, while Lindsay looked on anxiously, her eyes brimming with tears.


Ben's face gave nothing away and when he spoke his tone was casual. 'Well, you're right when you say it's coming. I can see a little bottom.'

'Little? If it's a little bottom it can't be yours, Linny,' Ellie joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere in the room.