‘Yes, yes. I’m going to pick the kids up now. Just make sure you live up to your reputation, Mr Lucarelli.’

‘You believe what you read in newspapers?’

‘In this case, I want to.’ Anna glared at him. ‘I want you to be as good as that disgustingly skinny ex-girlfriend of yours says you are, or Father Christmas just might do something unspeakable to your Ferrari.’


LIV changed slowly, lifted her bag from the locker and smiled at a couple of her colleagues who were buzzing with excitement and on their way to the hairdresser’s in preparation for the ball.

She was going to have a lovely evening with Max.

They’d make pizza. Maybe they could curl up and watch a film in Stefano’s den. It had deep squashy sofas and a huge cinema screen and it was definitely Max’s favourite room.

She wasn’t going to think about the fact that Stefano hadn’t made a single move towards her since she’d moved into his apartment. Of course he hadn’t. That kiss had just been a—Well she didn’t exactly know what it was, but it certainly hadn’t meant anything.

She left the hospital and walked across the car park. And then stopped as she saw Stefano. He was leaning against the Ferrari, his arms folded, obviously waiting for her.

He looked so spectacularly handsome that for a moment her mind just emptied and then she remembered that he wasn’t supposed to be here.


; Anxiety rushed over her. ‘I thought you were picking Max up.’

‘Slight change in the arrangements.’ He opened the car door. ‘Get in.’


‘Max is safe.’ He slid into the driver’s seat next to her. ‘He’s gone to Anna’s for the night. And for the next twelve hours at least I don’t want you to argue with me or question me. I just want you to say “Sì, Stefano.”’

Bemused, Liv just looked at him, a hundred questions bubbling round in her head. ‘That isn’t fair. I need to know—’

‘Do you trust me?’ His voice was deep and velvety smooth and she felt her mouth dry.

‘Yes. No.’ Her eyes met his. ‘I trust you with my son. I think.’

He smiled. ‘That’s good enough.’ The Ferrari gave a throaty growl and several heads turned towards them as he drove out of the car park.

‘Am I allowed to ask where we’re going?’


‘Am I allowed to talk to Max?’

He glanced towards her. ‘Would it make you feel better if you did?’

‘I just need to know he’s happy.’

‘Then call.’

‘He’s at Anna’s?’

‘They might have gone for a treat. Call Anna’s mobile.’

‘But she’ll be getting ready for the ball.’ Wishing she knew what was going on, Liv dialled and spoke to Anna who immediately passed the phone to Max.

Liv hung up feeling better, but none the wiser. ‘Why did he say “have a nice evening”?’

‘Probably because he wants you to have a nice evening.’ Stefano pulled up outside a top London hotel.