A uniformed man immediately stepped forward and opened the door. ‘Miss Winchester? We’ve been expecting you.’

They had? Liv glanced at Stefano but he simply smiled.

‘I’ll pick you up in three hours. Enjoy.’

Enjoy what? What was she going to do for three hours?

‘What’s this all about? Please tell me.’

Stefano took her face in his hands and lowered his head so that his mouth was almost touching hers. Almost, but not quite. ‘The next three hours are about you, Liv,’ he said softly. ‘And after that, it’s about us. Lie there and think about that while you’re being pampered.’


The questions flew from her brain as his mouth brushed hers in a seductive, deliberate kiss designed to tantalise rather than provide satisfaction.

Liv’s head swam dizzily as he slowly lifted his mouth from hers and smiled.

‘Enjoy yourself. Think about nothing but yourself. Promise?’

How could one kiss cause so much havoc?

Trying to control the fireworks in her insides, Liv allowed herself to be led through the elegant hotel lobby. Feeling like the only person in the world who wasn’t in on a secret, she followed the man into a lift, which slid soundlessly upwards to the top floor of the hotel. The doors opened onto a tranquil, luxurious spa overlooking the rooftops of London.

Stunned, Liv glanced around her at the acres of cool marble, glass and mirrors. ‘What is this place?’

‘I believe that most women believe it to be the place closest to heaven, madam,’ the man said dryly, guiding her towards an immaculately groomed woman in a white uniform. ‘This is Irina. She will take very good care of you.’

The next three hours passed in a blur of scented oils and relaxation. Liv was taken into a softly lit room filled with the exotic flowers and the relaxing sounds of tiny, bubbling fountains. Having changed into a soft white robe, she was given a massage that almost sent her to sleep.

‘I’ve never had one of these before,’ she murmured, ‘but it’s heaven. I don’t want it to end.’

Irina covered her with a warm towel. ‘Unfortunately it has to be a little shorter than usual because we still need to do your nails, hair and make-up. We don’t have much time.’

Liv lifted her head. ‘Before what?’

The girl smiled. ‘Before Stefano Lucarelli picks you up. The car will be here just before eight. And we want you to look your best.’

‘I have no idea what is going on, and I don’t even care any more,’ Liv murmured, closing her eyes again. ‘The only downside is realising what I’ve been missing all these years. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get through the rest of my life without a massage a day.’

* * *

Glancing at his watch, Stefano strode through the doors of the hotel and into the foyer.

They were cutting it fine, but hopefully the traffic would be in their favour.

Unless she was late.

Simmering with impatience because he’d given the staff of the spa a very precise brief, Stefano lifted his phone out of his pocket and was just about to blast someone into outer space when he saw her.

Her silver gown shimmered and sparkled under the lights. It fell from her neck to the floor, skimming her incredible curves and displaying just enough cleavage to ensure that none of the men in the hotel were able to continue a conversation. Her hair had been swept up in a style that was both elegant and contemporary and was held in place by a single white gold and diamond snowflake.

Stefano gave a satisfied smile. The white gold and diamond snowflake that he’d chosen. Matching diamond snowflakes dangled from her ears, sparkling against the slender column of her throat.

The only colour was the vivid red of her scarlet mouth and the green of her eyes, which were looking at him with a mixture of excitement and nerves.

Mentally congratulating himself, Stefano strode across to her and lifted her hand to his lips. ‘You look stunning.’

Her eyes were on his, anxious, seeking reassurance. ‘Really?’