Page 102 of Summer Kisses

‘I’m going over to Evanna’s to give the children breakfast before I go to the dig. She has that appointment thing today on the mainland so she took the first ferry.’

‘Yes, of course. I know. I remember.’ Her lips felt warm and tingly, and if she really concentrated she could still conjure up the feel of his mouth against hers. ‘I have to take a shower and get ready for work.’

‘Are you all right? You look—different.’

She felt different.

Up until today she’d felt as though she was surviving. Now she felt as though she was living.

Everything was different.


TOO dressy.

Too casual.

Too cold—

Jenna threw the contents of her wardrobe onto her bed and stared at it in despair. Was it really that hard to decide what to wear to a beach barbecue? It was so long since she’d been out socially she’d lost her confidence. But she knew that the real reason she couldn’t decide what to wear was because Ryan would be there and she wanted to look her best. Without looking as though she’d tried too hard.

Infuriated with herself, she reached for the first skirt she’d tried on, slipped it over her head and picked a simple tee shirt to go with it. The skirt was pretty, but the tee shirt was plain—which meant that the top half of her was underdressed and the bottom half was overdressed.

Looking in the mirror, Jenna scooped up her hair and piled it on top of her head. Then she pulled a face and let it fall loose around her shoulders. She gave a hysterical giggle. Maybe she should wear half of it up and half of it down.


Hearing Lexi’s voice, Jenna jumped guiltily and scooped the discarded clothes from the bed. She was just closing the wardrobe door on the evidence of her indecision when Lexi sauntered into the room.

‘Are you ready?’

‘Nearly.’ Jenna eyed the lipgloss that she’d bought. It was still in its packaging because she hadn’t decided whether or not to wear it. ‘I just need to do my hair.’ Up or down?

‘Can I go ahead? I’m meeting Fraser.’

‘We’ll go together,’ Jenna said firmly. With no choice but to leave her hair down, she grabbed a cardigan and made for the stairs. ‘I’d like to meet him.’

‘We’re just mates,’ Lexi muttered, sliding her feet into a pair of pretty flip-flops. ‘We’re not quite at the “meet the parents” stage.’

Jenna picked up her keys and the bowl containing the strawberries. ‘This is Glenmore. On an island this size you have no option but to meet the parents. Everyone meets everyone about five times a day.’ She wished she hadn’t left her hair down. It made her feel wild and unrestrained, and she wanted to feel restrained and together.

‘Are you all right, Mum?’

‘I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?’

‘I don’t know…’ Her phone in her hand, Lexi frowned. ‘You just seem jumpy. Nervous. You’ve been acting really weird since yesterday.’

‘Nervous? I have no reason to be nervous!’

‘All right, calm down. I realise it’s a big excitement for you, getting out for an evening. Don’t be too embarrassing, will you?’

Jenna locked the door because she hadn’t got out of the London habit. ‘I’m meant to be the one saying that to you.’

‘Going out with your mother would never happen in London. Just promise me that whatever happens you won’t dance.’

* * *

Ryan watched her walk across the sand towards him.