Page 101 of Summer Kisses


Rebel sat.

‘OK—that’s annoying.’ Jenna put her hands on her hips. ‘I’ve been working non-stop with him and you just say it once. What do you have that I don’t?’

‘An air of menace. You’re kind and gentle. A dog can sense you’re soft-hearted. Especially a dog like Rebel, who has had his own way for

far too long.’

‘You think I’m a push-over?’

‘I don’t see you as tough and ruthless, that’s true.’

Her heart was pounding as if she’d run the length of the beach. ‘I’ll have you know I’m stronger than I look!’

‘I didn’t say you weren’t strong.’ The pitch of his voice had changed. ‘I know you’re strong, Jenna. You’ve proved your strength over and over again in the last month. You’ve dragged up your roots and put them down somewhere new. That’s never easy.’

His eyes were oceans of blue, waiting to draw her in and drown her.

The want inside her became a desperate craving, and when his arm curled around her waist and he drew her towards him she didn’t resist. Her thinking went from clear to clouded, and she waited, deliciously trapped by the inevitability of what was to come. She watched, hypnotised, as he lowered his head to hers. His mouth was warm and skilled, his kiss sending an explosion of light through her brain and fire through her belly.

It should have felt wrong, kissing a man. But it felt right—standing here with his lips against hers and nothing around them but the sound and smell of the sea.

Jenna dug her fingers into the front of his wetsuit, felt the hardness of his body brush against her knuckles. The fire spread, licking its way through her limbs until she was unsteady on her feet, and his grip on her tightened, his mouth more demanding as they kissed hungrily, feasting, exploring, discovering.

Rebel barked.

Ryan lifted his mouth from hers, his reluctance evident in the time he took. Dazed and disorientated, Jenna stared up at him for a moment and then at his mouth.

Now she knew how it felt…

Rebel barked again and she turned her head, trying to focus on the dog.

‘What’s the matter with you?’ Her voice was croaky and Ryan released her.

‘People on the beach.’ His voice was calm and steady. ‘Clearly we’re not the only early risers.’

‘Obviously not.’ She knew she sounded stilted but she had no idea what to say. Were they supposed to talk about it? Or pretend it had never happened? ‘I should be getting home. Lexi will be waking up…’ Feeling really strange, she lifted a shaking hand to her forehead. The kiss had changed everything. Her world had tilted.


‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’

His gaze was disturbingly acute. ‘You’ll see me at the surgery today.’

‘Yes—yes, of course I will. That’s what I meant.’ Flustered, she called to Rebel, who was nosing something on the sand, apparently oblivious to the fact that his owner’s life had just changed.

Ryan seemed about to say something, but the people on the beach were moving closer and he shook his head in exasperation. ‘I’ve never seen anyone else on this beach at this hour.’

‘It’s a very pretty place.’ Babbling, Jenna backed away. ‘You’d better go and have a shower—warm up—you can’t do a surgery in your wetsuit—I really ought to be going—’ She would have tripped over Rebel if Ryan hadn’t shot out a hand and steadied her. ‘Thanks. I’ll see you later.’ Without looking at him, she turned and almost flew over the sand after Rebel, not pausing until she was inside the cottage with the door shut firmly behind her.

‘Mum? What’s the matter with you?’ Yawning, Lexi stood there in tee shirt and knickers.

‘I’ve been—’ Kissed, Jenna thought hysterically. Thoroughly, properly, deliciously kissed. ‘—for a walk. On the beach. With Rebel.’

Lexi threw her an odd look. ‘Well, of course with Rebel—who else?’

‘No one else. Absolutely no one else.’ She needed to shut up before she said something she regretted. ‘You’re up early.’