Page 53 of Going Deep

“Six years.” He shook his head, laughing softly. But his eyes were pure heat in the wavering light from the lantern she held in a death grip. “Six years isn’t long enough to know this land. To understand what you’re dealing with. Not out there, and not with us.” He backed her up against the rough-hewn wood of the stall and hiked up her leg, wrapping it around his waist. His rigid cock nestled into the triangle of her legs, pressing insistently. “You really want to argue with two cowboys who could put you over our laps and spank your ass raw?”

Distantly, she was aware of Cupcake rustling behind her, but all she could think about was getting more. More of him rocking into her, more of that fierce, focused need centered on her face. Both of them utterly consumed by ordinary, ungainly Paige Wilcox.

“You think you scare me?” She lifted her chin. “Hell no. You can only spank me if I want it. If I let you.”

Even as she said it, the fingers of her free hand curled around his wrist. She hoped like hell he got the message that she was setting up a dangerous game, because if he pulled the gentleman card and backed away now, she was going to lose her mind.

“You think so, sweetheart?” He tipped his forehead against hers, his breathing choppy. He was every bit as affected by their foreplay as she was. “Test us and find out.”

“What us? I only see you right now.”

“Go ahead and run,” he murmured into her mouth. “See if we catch you.”

She didn’t think. Didn’t question if she was creating an unhealthy precedent. There were games, and there was sex, and she really wasn’t sure how far she could push them.

That was a huge part of the thrill.

She shoved the lantern in his chest and used his moment’s surprise to take off running. She scrambled a bit on the hay, losing her footing, but quickly regained it and sprinted out of the stable and down the path to the house.

His loud footsteps pounded behind her. He was close, too close.

As she neared the house, coat flapping in the breeze, she debated running around the side or heading back in and sprinting out the front. He’d expect her to disappear outside. So many more places to hide.

What he didn’t get was that she really wanted to be caught.

At the last second, she veered back to the house. She charged up the steps to the back porch, her heartbeat stampeding in her ears. Perspiration slicked between her shoulder blades and her lungs were screaming. But she couldn’t stop now. Not yet.

She opened the screen door, prepared to dart inside, and slammed into a rock-hard chest.

Panting, she glanced up at Colt’s narrowed eyes. “Oh fuck.”

He tipped up her chin with a single fingertip as the clomp of boots behind her on the porch told her she was well and truly surrounded. An equally hard chest pressed into her backside and she moaned, so turned on she couldn’t even think to be nervous about what they might do.

“Going somewhere, darlin’?” Colt asked softly.


Drake stared down at Paige where she was trapped between them. Her longing and excitement was a palpable thing, coiling ropes of need around his cock and his neck, making it hard to breathe. “She’s not going anywhere, are you, Paige?”

Silently, she shook her head.

“Still, think maybe we better take some precautions.” Colt tugged off the leather belt from around Drake’s coat and looped it around her wrists, smothering her squeal of surprise with a hard kiss. “Don’t want you able to run off now.”

Drake heard the opposite message coming through Colt’s words—he was giving her an out. If she said to stop, everything would end right away.

But she only nodded eagerly, her eyes big and bright in the moonlit kitchen.

“So were you fixin’ on going for a midnight ride there, Paula Revere?” Humor laced Colt’s tone as he walked backward, leading her across the room to the stairs. “Is that why Drake had to go ’round you up again?”

“I was just looking at the horses.”

“Mmm-hmm. Any reason why that couldn’t wait for daylight?”

“I like the dark.”

“Sure you do, Cin. You’re cinnamon-colored all over. But you get especially red when you lie.” He leaned down to kiss her nose, then tugged harder on her makeshift lead. “To bed with you. About time you learn what happens when good girls tell fibs.”

“I’m not that good.”