Page 54 of Going Deep

Drake followed behind her and popped her gently on her delectable ass. “You’re about to prove it.”

Once they were in Drake’s bedroom, Colt pulled off the barn coat and let it fall, then he bent to remove her cowboy boots. Still kneeling, he slid his hands up her shapely legs, drawing the gown up at the same time. The fabric snagged on her nipples so he ripped it straight down the middle, exposing her in an instant.

“Wow.” With her wrists still loosely bound, she leaned back against the bedpost. “You just…just ripped that r

ight off me.”

“I did. And now I’m going to toss you on the bed and have my way with you.” Colt’s rakish grin as he rose and pushed down his silk pajama bottoms blazed right through Drake. “We’re going to.”

“Sounds like a plan to me. But I think I’m going to do the tossing.” After kicking off his boots, Drake picked her up and sent them both tumbling to the mattress. He landed with her, rolling and laughing as she kicked out at him.

“Drake, my hands, dammit. I couldn’t catch my weight.”

“I’ve got you.”

Her lips twitched. “Asshole.”

“Don’t like being out of control, huh?” He dragged her wrists up and wedged a knee between her thighs. “That’s how I felt when I woke up and you were gone. We didn’t know where you were.” His laughter fled. “If you were safe.”

She stopped struggling and frowned. “I guess I didn’t think it was any big deal.”

“Even after we told you otherwise?”

At her shrug, Colt sighed and hit a button beside the bed. The ornate scrollwork-covered mirror above it slid into a panel, revealing the large regular mirror beneath.

No more fancy design to obscure the glass. This one revealed everything.

Colt flicked on the bedside light. “I was hoping we’d be able to talk this out. But it looks like you only understand show, not tell.”

She wriggled, panic flaring over her face. “I don’t do mirrors.”

Colt laughed, but Drake felt the tremor moving under her skin. “Too bad. We’re calling the shots here.”

“No. I can’t. The other one was okay, because you couldn’t see as much—” She broke off and started to elbow Drake away. When that didn’t work, she tried to sit up, but Colt boxed her in, leaning across her. “Colt, don’t.”

“She doth protest too much, me thinks.” Chuckling, he reached up to grab her breast and she made a sound that bordered on pain.

“Colt, don’t,” Drake said, moving his buddy’s hand away. “Give her a second. You all right, sweetheart?”

Colt’s hand fell away and confusion tightened around his eyes. “Darlin’?”

“I don’t look in mirrors. I haven’t for years.” She shut her eyes and laughed weakly. “Okay, that’s stupid. I do look. Obviously I put on makeup and stuff, but that’s my face. Not…not at my body.”

“Why the hell not?”

She frowned and opened her eyes. “Because I’m not some waif. Because I just see flaws. Because my ex-boyfriend told me I was too fat to wear pretty dresses, never mind lay around naked with two buff-as-hell, naked cowboys.”

“What’s his name?” Drake asked, rolling out of bed. She’d called him naked, but he wasn’t, not yet. He still had on his jeans, which would make it easier for him to get dressed and find this motherfucker. “Address?”

Colt rolled out the other side. “Never mind. We’ll find his place ourselves and kill the bastard. Name?”

“What the hell are you doing?” She gaped at them. “You can’t just go…kill him.”

“Sure, we can.” Drake nodded at Colt. “And we’re going to.”

“He’s in New York.”

“Oh. Well, we better start the trip now then.”