“There you are!”
Chloe groaned at Jinx’s voice.
Michael growled in her ear. “Come back to my room.”
She should say no. The lunacy of the club was one thing. The reality of getting naked with him was a step too far. There would be no going back from it.
She’d have to look at him across the Christmas dinner table forever.
Nick and Lila would get forever, not her. She wasn’t meant to find that with anyone.
The pang of reaction blindsided her. Forever wasn’t something she said easily. Hers had been taken away from her. She tried to ignore it—had practically deleted that particular word from her vocabulary.
She was a mother. A responsible adult.
This was just a wild weekend, nothing more.
She twisted out of his arms and toward her friend. Toward sanity.
When Michael touched her, she lost any will to listen to reality. And that was more than dangerous. She’d already had a man like that in her life and look how that had turned out.
She’d ended up alone. Just her and her baby.
Jinx shouldered her way through the crush of people with her sister holding up the rear. “You disappeared on us.” She glanced up at Michael. “With good reason.” Her eyes narrowed. “You’re from the band.”
He nodded, an easy grin sliding across his boyish face. “Michael.”
Jinx glanced at Chloe then back up to Michael. “Are we interrupting?”
“No,” Chloe said over him.
“Which is it?” Jinx hooked her arm through Ivy’s “Have you met Michael?”
Ivy shook her head. “But I think that’s a shame.” She held out her free hand. “Ivy. This is my sister, Jinx.”
Michael shook their hands instead of stepping back. Seriously, how many signals could Chloe give the guy? He didn’t seem to care.
He shifted behind her, pressing his erection against her hip. As if Chloe needed the reminder of where they’d been heading.
“Looks like we need drinks.” Michael nodded toward someone, then held up four fingers.
Chloe frowned. “What did you order?”
“I think I ordered four tequila shots. At least if her shirt was correct.”
“Chicks are walking around with labels across their boobs. It’s like the ultimate billboard for booze at this party.”
Michael lifted one shoulder. “Makes it easier to order a drink. The bartenders can’t keep up.”
When the blond came back, she had a tray of large shot glasses.
Michael grinned at her and dropped a bill on her tray. “Thanks.”
He hadn’t called the waitress baby. At least Chloe hadn’t had a sexist pig’s tongue in her mouth five minutes ago.