Little victories.

He passed around the glasses to everyone. “To chaperones.”

Jinx sputtered out a laugh after she downed her shot. “Is that what we are?”

“Your timing is certainly suspect.” He said it with an easy smile as he leaned against the railing.

Chloe swallowed hard. His cock wasn’t touching her anymore. She could actually think again. Did it have some sort of super power? That really was the only thing that made sense. As soon as she’d rubbed against his dick, she’d been like a freaking cat in heat.

Not like her at all.

“We can certainly make ourselves scarce.”

Chloe grabbed for Jinx’s arms. “No.”

Jinx’s eyebrows shot up before she tipped her head and squinted up at Michael. “This guy hassling you?”

“No, it’s not that.”

Chloe darted a glance at him. His glass dangled from his long fingers. Fingers that had been all over her mere moments ago. Michael crossed his feet at the ankles, his huge boot resting a bare inch from her. He invaded her space in a lazy, feline way that made her nipples harden again. What the hell was wrong with her?

Jinx threw back her shot. “Then let’s have a little fun, shall we?”

Michael grinned and followed suit.

As if she needed more alcohol swimming through her veins. But it was either that or face Michael’s offer of a trip to his hotel room.

She wasn’t quite sure she was ready for that idea yet.

For once, downing tequila was a helluva lot safer.

After the third tray of drinks had been consumed, it was easier for Chloe to laugh at Jinx’s ridiculous commentary on the men in the room than to focus on the guy who had her panties still wet.

He hovered behind her. A stray touch here and there to remind her that he was there. Her arches screamed, but she couldn’t sit. Sitting reminded her of his cock rubbing her off in a sea of strangers. She’d been out of control in a way she couldn’t study right now.

She preferred to drift on the hazy out of focus colors and heady sexual undertones within the safety net of her friends.

The party was finally thinning out a little. The Foundation Room had been set up as a VIP room after the show. Not for the general public. People moved on to other parties, or more personal ones as the night wore on.

Michael twisted his fingers around hers, dragging her back against him. “Dance with me.”

Not a question.

Again, that almost order urged her forward. If he touched her, she might not have the strength to say no. Another tray of drinks came by. She welcomed the open smile of the waiter. She frowned slightly when she didn’t recognize the shirt he was wearing. A single blue teardrop on the left side of his chest, but no other logo.

Michael’s lips found the back of her neck. She handed him one of the sapphire blue shooters. Blue was her color tonight. She couldn’t—wouldn’t—allow the jewels, so she’d drink a hint of it instead.

She turned around, clinking the plastic cylinders that reminded her of high school chemistry. Of how they’d stolen trays to make their own moonshine after hours. She laughed as she wrapped her lips around the end and tipped her head back.

The blue liquid slid down her throat easy as could be.

Michael pushed her through the room to the dance floor. Katy Perry’s voice drowned out her laughter. He took the shooter from her, passing it off to another waitress. They circled each other. First him, with his calloused fingers lingering at her lower back. Almost there touches that matched the cosmic, otherworldly beat of the song.

His knee slid between hers as he suddenly dipped her. She laughed and gripped his jacket. She wasn’t sure either of them were sober enough to not land on their ass with that kind of move. But he didn’t drop her. He held her close and chased her laughter with his tongue.

She slid her hands under his jacket to the heat trapped along his back. Her nails dug into his T-shirt. They spun in a lazy circle and she tipped her head back to let him taste her neck again. He was so good at it. Just enough scruff to buzz, not enough to make her pull away. But the true mastery was his words.

Whispers that drew her closer.