He was already lowering to finish his very enjoyable task. “You’re right. I need to spend more time on my knees. I promise to rectify that in the near future.”

Clasping his lips around her clit, he slid his fingers inside her to find that secret spot that always made her legs quake and her ass come right off the bed. He wasn’t disappointed. Within a couple of minutes, she was biting a pillow to muffle her cries and saturating his chin with her release.

He rose and undid his jeans, looming over her as her pupils flared wide and she trembled. “Do you know it’s been twelve hours since I’ve fucked you? How am I still standing?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking that question?” She pretended to look around. “Oh, lookie. I’m not. Flat on my back as usual.”

His laughter caught him off-guard. “Suppose that means we’re tempting the baby fates.” He’d said it as a test, to give her a chance to mention waiting. She seemed to read his mind more often than not, and maybe she’d had a few misgivings of her own lately.

Truthfully, he hadn’t. His only misgiving was that he didn’t want to shortchange Axl, and perhaps they weren’t prepared yet to juggle two. But he’d been sure he wasn’t ready for a wife and baby, and they’d been the best things to ever happen to him.

Sometimes you just had to leap off the cliff like a deranged motherfucker to see if you could fly.

“We’ve tempted many fates already.” She reached up to grab his hand where it rested on his belt. “Michael, I’m scared.”

He started to tease her, because that’s what he did. Then he glimpsed her pinched lips and noticed her knuckles were white where his hand grasped his buckle. “About what?”

“Everything.” She blew out a breath and sat up to press her head to his chest. “Can you explode from happiness? Because I think I just might, and that terrifies me.”

Now he did laugh, and he didn’t feel the least bit ashamed. “You realize that’s silly, right?”

“Yes. Of course I do. But what if this changes? What if one day you wake up, and seeing me on the other side of the bed just makes you want to bury your head under the pillow?”

“It won’t. Besides, you know I wake up between your legs most of the time anyway.”

“I’m being serious.”

“I know, and so am I.” He cupped her cheek. “If I ever give you a reason to doubt me, just kick me in the nuts and that’ll get my head back on straight. And if I ever doubt you, I’ll just flip your legs over my shoulders and remind you why it’s good to be my woman.”

Her mouth quivered into a smile. “As if I’d ever forget.”

“Mom brain, maybe?”

She socked him in the gut and he chuckled, clutching her hand. Then he brought it to his mouth. “I love you and I love Axl. That’s not going to change. Ever.”

Swallowing hard, she nodded. “I’m trying to trust in this, in us, but it’s hard. I just never expected to have so much. And now I’ll have even more.” When he frowned, she nudged him again. “So about that massage. Were you serious?”

He might be male and about as subtle as a bulldozer, but even he noticed that topic change. “Sure. Let me grab your oil stuff from the bathroom.”

“Thanks. I’m all tense.” She smiled up at him and pulled her top over her head.

No bra.

Glorious breasts with taut little pink nipples.

Concerns about interpersonal problems—vamoose.

A little dazed, he wandered into the next room and dug out Chloe’s after shower crap. She loved when he worked it into her skin. Though maybe he should give himself a hand too, in case she fell asleep before he was finished like she sometimes did.

Her breasts, man. So fucking full and perfect.

He sighed and relegated his needs to the background. Later. She never left him wanting for long, that was for sure. He’d just wait until—

The first snore hit him before he even made it out of the bathroom.

He smothered a laugh in his fist. Damn, he adored her. Even if she did conk out before he could massage her into incredible sex.

Then again, he couldn’t deny the restorative power of a nap.