After setting the alarm on his phone for a half hour, he curled up with her in bed. She snuggled up against him without even waking up.

Closing his eyes, he let sleep take him. And let the alarm rip it away half an hour later.

“Axl,” he muttered, sitting straight up. “Gotta get the baby.”

From beside him, Chloe laughed. “The baby can wait another five minutes. Sorry, I forgot to finish something.” She yawned and reached across his lap to jerk down his zipper the rest of the way. His belt was still undone. “Time to rectify that.”

He fell back against the mattress. “This might be the best dream I’ve ever had.”

“Not yet. But it will be.” She pulled his waking cock out of his boxers and slid her warm mouth over the tip. She smiled around him and slipped her hand between his legs to cup his balls.

Fuck. He was a lucky man.

Half an hour later, they stumbled into the bathroom for the quickest shower in the history of life. When he started to grab her under the spray, she giggled and shoved him back.

“Babymaking bathroom,” he mumbled into her mouth, boosting her up against the wall.

“All right. If you insist.” She gave a long-suffering sigh. “Bring it on home.”

By the time they made it back to the tasting room of the winery, the rambunctious kids were gone and most of the concert debris had been cleared away. Axl and Gram were out back pulling up mini pumpkins from a smaller patch next to the house. The real pumpkin patch was out back.

“Look, Mama!” Axl tried to jump to his feet, but his foot got caught in a vine and down he went. Yet he never lost his grip on the mini pumpkin he held over his head. “Punkin!”

“Aww, you got one. Look at that.” Chloe scooped him up and smiled at Mrs. Ronson, who was sitting contentedly in the dirt. “Thank you for watching him. We were a bit longer than we intended to be.”

“No problem at all. Newlyweds have to catch their moments of privacy when they can.” Lila’s mother winked and reached over to pat Michael’s leg.

He flushed. “Jeez, Gram.”

She hooted out a laugh and exchanged a look with Chloe. “You guys ready for the hayride tonight?”

“Yes, I think so.” Chloe glanced at Michael and heaved out a breath. “I hope so.”

Michael frowned. It was only a hayride. He was about to say just that when Axl stuck out his pumpkin in Michael’s direction.

“Look, Dada! Punkin.”

He tried to find his voice. He cleared

his throat and blinked half a dozen times. The wind must’ve kicked up dust into his eyes. Maybe he was allergic to something.

“Thank you, Ax-Man,” he rasped, accepting the pumpkin. When that wasn’t nearly close enough, he wrapped Chloe and Axl in a tight hug and buried his face in his son’s brown corduroy jacket. “Thank you.”

He still hadn’t recovered when it came time for the hayride. Somehow they ended up at the front of the line and were able to get seats on the perfectly shaped bales of hay at the front. Axl was so excited he couldn’t stop jumping.

“Go, go!” he yelled to the driver.

“Gotta wait for everyone else, buddy.” Michael laughed and ruffled the boy’s hair. Axl ducked away and moved to Chloe’s other side to jump.

He might’ve called Michael “Dada” for the first time, but he wasn’t going to let the dude mess up his hair. A guy had boundaries, even if he was only two-and-a-half.

The wagon filled up fairly quickly, considering almost half of the passengers were children. They set off on the ride on a winding route through the forest, jolting and bumping over every ridge on the path.

Chloe clutched Axl with one hand and her stomach with the other. “So maybe this wasn’t the best idea.”

“Who says? It’s a gorgeous night. Smell that woodsmoke. That crisp air. Fall’s coming.” He slid his arm around Chloe’s shoulders. “Can you feel it?”

She moaned. “I feel something.”