“My husband. Because that’s what he’s supposed to be.”
Lila held up a hand. “Agreed.”
“Well, that’s something.” Chloe smoothed down the icy blue dress that was supposed to double as her wedding dress.
Wedding dress.
God, how dumb was she to do this? She banded her arms across her middle and bent at the waist. “Panic attacks are fine, right? Little dots aren’t terrible.”
“All right, calm down.” Lila came up beside her. “Just forget the crowd of people out there and pretend you’re talking into your phone.”
“Sure. Really big selfie stick.”
Lila let out a half laugh. “It’s all about control. You need to own it. This is nothing compared to getting that man back in your life.”
Chloe straightened slowly. “You know how I feel, don’t you?”
“I almost lost Nick because I was afraid. Don’t do the same thing. You were right, Chloe. We’re not so different.”
She swallowed hard. “I love him madly. I hope you know that.”
“I do.”
The panic subsided and Chloe could hear the applause from the crowd. Evidently, her insane freak out had only lasted three minutes and some change. Good to know. It felt like it was about five times longer. “Big girl panties activated.”
“Damn right,” Lila said. “Now go on and get out there.”
Chloe shook her hair back, then straightened her shoulders. Own it. Yep, she was probably going to own a front page spread thanks to her projectile vomiting on the front row. She took a deep breath and walked across the stage as Warning Sign’s name was called.
They’d been nominated, but as with a lot of award shows, they wanted to make sure the winners were actually at the telecast, so it wasn’t exactly a secret.
Molly, Elle, Ryan, Juliet, and West crowded around the podium. All of them hopped up and down for a second. Molly waved madly. “Thank you guys so much. We really appreciate it. And if you don’t mind we kinda want to do something really special for our lead guitarist.”
Don’t trip.
Don’t fall.
Don’t throw up.
Chloe got to the glass podium. “Hi. I’m Chloe Adams. Actually, it’s supposed to be Chloe Shawcross. And this is a proposal going out from me to Michael Shawcross. You see, we did a crazy thing a few months ago. We got married after only knowing each other a few hours. Well, we thought we got married. Turns out we weren’t quite as insane as people thought and at the last minute we didn’t go through with it. Mistake. Big one. I should have said yes, and now I want to do the ‘I do’s’ for real.”
The crowd went insane.
Chloe’s heart was going to explode out of her chest.
She held up her hands. “Wait. Wait a second, guys. Michael, meet me at the Little Elvis Chapel at one in the morning and let’s make it official.” The crowd became a wash of flashbulbs and watery faces. She blinked back her tears and smiled. “I love you. More than I could have ever imagined.” She stepped back and Molly and Juliet held onto her.
Good thing. She was pretty sure her ankles had dissolved.
The next few minutes were absolute chaos. Between the reporters and the people running the awards show, she was inundated with questions.
Lila handled them like a pro. Chloe was swept along between Ryan and West. A limo was waiting at the side door. They all piled in and headed to the private air strip where Donovan’s plane was waiting.
Donovan Lewis came through again.
Just how much was jet fuel? Did she have to give him her second born kid to cover the fact that they’d done this a second time?
Where was her kid? “Did my dad make it to the plane?”