“Dad and kid already on the plane. Even found a few stragglers with your dad.”

“Nick?” Chloe threw herself into Nick’s arms. “What are you doing here?”

He patted her back. “Li and I wanted to be at the nuptials this time.”

She sat back in her seat. “I just hope there’s a wedding to see.”

“My Magic 8 Ball says ‘you may rely on it’.”

Chloe blew out a breath. “I hope so.”

“No histrionics. I can see the tears from here. Put ‘em back in the box.”

Chloe laughed. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“Well, my godson is getting a new stepdad. For real this time. So you know,” he shrugged, “I’m going to be there.”

She hid a smile behind her hand. Nick was a big

softie. He just didn’t want anyone to know it. And she was okay with that. The support meant everything to her. So many people had come out to help her make this happen, now she just had to trust that Michael would come for her—come for them. Since she and Axl were a package deal.

The ride was eternal. Traffic was a nightmare. When they finally arrived at the airport, she was the first one out of the limo. She ran up the steps to the jet, breathless when she got inside.

“What’s up, whore?”

Her heart stopped. “Jinx?”

“Damn right. What’s this you’re getting married? Got married already? Why do I not know these things?” The blond Amazon enveloped her in a tight hug. “I’m sorry you dealt with all this stuff alone. Dr. Nerdgasm kept sweeping me off my feet.”

“That’s okay.” Chloe laughed. “I wasn’t sure if he was actually real. Do I get to meet him?”

“Yes. I’ve got one helluva story to tell you. But I’ll hold until we get home. I require all the details.”

“Me too.” Ivy waved from her seat. She rushed to Chloe and the three women hugged. “How the hell did you get married?”

“It’s a long story. I missed you guys so much.”

Ivy sighed. “Sounds like Vegas was quite the trip for all of us.”

“You got that right. I supposed you’re not going to give me the details on your covert action either?”

Ivy grinned. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”


Chloe turned to her son’s voice and caught him mid-flight.

“Chopter,” he said with a gleeful shout.

She hugged him close. “Where’s Pop Pop?”

“We flied the chopter.”

“You did?”

He nodded. “Chopter.”

She collapsed into a chair with him. “That sounds super exciting.”