
“Where are we putting Axl?”

“In the backseat…I don’t have. Fuck.”

She laughed. She had to laugh or she’d cry. “I guess I will need that car, huh?”

“We’ll research tonight.”

Out of reasons to argue, she conceded. She opened the door and Lori came out her door with Axl on her hip. Her son’s huge smile—at least what she coul

d see around his fist currently shoved in his mouth—was a sight for sore eyes. She ran up the grass and scooped him out of Lori’s arms. “Hi, bug.”

“Mama.” He hooked his drooley hand around her neck and went right for a fistful of hair. Another one of the many reasons her hair was up in a ponytail usually.

Michael came up behind her. “Hey, buddy.”

Axl dropped his head onto her chest and hid his face.

Lori smiled. “He just got up.”

She looked down at Axl. “Did you sleep in? Mama’s jealous.”

“Selby fish.”

Chloe glanced at Lori for a clue.

“They fell asleep watching Nemo, then demanded a reshowing at five this morning. They both fell back to sleep around eight.”

Chloe winced. “Oh, you poor thing.”

Lori yawned. “Mine’s still napping. I win.”

“No nap,” Axl said before scrunching his face up.

Chloe blew raspberries and kisses into his neck before he could start the waterworks. “No. How about some breakfast instead? Oatmeal?”


“Apples,” she corrected.

“Appews,” Axl said again.

Michael smoothed one of her curls around his finger. “I hate to ask, but since my car is not yet babyfied, could you bring Chloe home today?”

“Sure. No prob.” Lori smiled up at Michael. “Handy you have a young, strong back for all the lifting.”

“Lori.” Chloe gave her a hard look.

“Yeah, we’re going to get Chloe out of here as soon as possible.”

“As soon as tomorrow?”

Chloe huffed out a breath. “Thanks, Lori.”

Michael frowned down at her. “Eviction notice of no time?”

“I’ll take care of it.”