“No.” Michael dug his phone out of his pocket, flicked through a few menus then held it up to his ear. “Hi, my name is Michael Shawcross…” he walked away from them as he started asking questions to someone on the other end.
“Girl, if that guy can help let him.”
Chloe sighed. “He’s already letting us stay with him. I don’t want him to deal with this too.”
“What are you going to do? Empty out your savings—if you have any left at this point.”
“I was going to dip into Axl’s—”
“No, you are going to let that rich, lovely guy take care of this. Pay him back with meals or something.”
“I don’t have that kind of talent.”
Lori laughed. “Sure you do. Who’s the one that had us set up with two weeks worth of crock pot meals on your last Saturday night off?”
“That’s just Pinterest.”
“Yeah, well I bet that guy hasn’t had home cooked meals. He probably lives off of Taco Bell and hamburgers.”
Chloe looked over her shoulder. “I don’t know. We don’t eat around each other much.”
“Because you’re too busy getting naked.”
Her face heated. “Maybe.”
“Did I mention I was jealous? If not, consider it said.” A squall came from her pocket. “Crap.”
Chloe shifted Axl to her other hip. “So much for that nap.”
“Yeah, no kidding. Come on in after you get rid of Mr. Rockstar.”
“Will do.” Chloe headed back down the lawn. She rubbed her cheek against her son’s hair. Her favorite time was right after a nap. It was the only time her crazy almost-two-year-old wanted to cuddle.
“Right. Thanks, man I appreciate it.” He rattled off her address then his own and something else that sounded an awful lot like many zeros.
When Michael hung up she approached him. She leaned back so she could meet her son’s gaze. “Do you remember Michael?”
“Right,” she said with a laugh. “He read you, The Spider and The Fly.”
Michael smiled down at him as he drew them both closer. “We can switch it up to Nemo. I think I’ve seen that about five times. Might even have it on my iTunes.”
Her heart melted. How the hell was she supposed to hold out against a man that loved Finding Nemo?
“Don’t think that one’s out yet, buddy. Though I do know a guy.”
Chloe laughed. “You want to win the heart of my kid, keep talking cartoons.”
“Deal.” Michael kissed her temple. “I have a fleet of guys coming to pack you up today. They’ll bring what you want to the house and put the rest in storage.” When her eyes widened. “Or the dumpster whichever you prefer.”