“Suave, bro,” Tony muttered, though he reached down to undo the button on his jeans just the same. Fucking sounded damn good to him. He’d been aching to get inside Marsh again since the club.

Marcia gave him a sultry smile and tracked the path of his hand with her eyes. “I want to suck your cock again. Then I want you in my ass.”

All righty then. The member in question reared against Tony’s zipper. He couldn’t get the thing down fast enough.

“Sounds good to me,” he said, his voice thin. All needed oxygen had diverted to other parts of his body.

“I’ll just get her ready for you.” With a grin, Cale dipped his head and nipped Marcia’s sexy ass. Her surprised squeal led to her full-body shiver when Cale arrowed his tongue along her crack, sliding down to lap at her pussy. Even without seeing what exactly he was doing, Tony could tell from the wet sounds of his sucking Marcia was getting thoroughly explored.

“And I’ll get you ready for me.” Eagerly Marcia withdrew Tony’s cock from his jeans.

He barely had time to take a breath before her mouth enveloped the swollen head. She sucked him all the way in without giving him time to prepare. This wasn’t about teasing, it was about making him blow.

Since she could deep throat with the best of them, that would take, best-case scenario, approximately two minutes.

She bobbed up and down his shaft, saturating his skin with her saliva. Then she swallowed again, humming appreciatively around his sensitive flesh. He groaned at the fresh rush of blood into his shaft and tried to remember what would come after if he didn’t come now.

Feeling Marcia’s throat undulate around him while he spent himself in her mouth had to rank up there with the greatest things ever. But her ass? That was even better. So tight, squeezing him perfectly. All that heat cradling his length, that pink hole stretching to accommodate him. Hearing her sweet, sweet moans.

Then there was watching her gorgeous tits sway while Cale buried his face in her pussy and made her gasp around Tony’s cock, like she was doing right now.

“Shit, shit. Stop.” Tony dragged her off him and threw his head back to gulp in huge lungfuls of air. “Not fucking Hercules.”

She gave his quivering stomach a smacking kiss. “You’re my fucking Hercules,” she whispered, laughing when his cock jumped at just those words.

“Time to switch positions,” he said to Cale, who rolled on his side

and wiped his mouth like the smug bastard he was. His damn chin even gleamed.

“Sure thing.” Cale licked his fingertip and ran it over the necklace encircling his sac. The string dangled a bit but Tony was willing to bet Marcia would correct that soon enough. “She wants to eat my candy, don’t you, little girl?”

Tony had to laugh as he patted Marcia’s hip. “You heard the man. Swing around, baby.”

She complied and wiggled her butt at him. “If it’s all the same to you, I’d prefer fast and hard.”

Cale groaned and fisted his hand in her hair to pull her down where he wanted her. “Me too, Blondie, me too.”

Tony smirked. “Yeah, real fast, Marsh. His candy’s starting to melt.”

“You fucking wish, Griggs.”

With a laugh, Tony slipped two fingers into her sodden sex. The growl that left his throat didn’t surprise him as much as her answering whimper. Damn, she was on the verge of an orgasm. One they’d neglected to give her in their haste to get their own needs met.

He’d just have to rectify that.

He stepped to her nightstand and opened the top drawer. Inside the box he found her favorite toy and lube. He shifted to watch as Marcia drew the string—and Cale’s flesh—between her teeth, pulling and twisting in a way that had to hurt. But from the sound of Cale’s grunts, he wasn’t feeling any pain. He gripped her shoulder and held her firmly in place, each of the rippling cords of his neck distinct. Cale had always liked a little bite to his pleasure, and from the looks of things, that hadn’t changed.

An unmistakable crunch sounded and Tony grinned as he saw the pink, blue and green smeared on Cale’s thighs. He’d been right after all. Though as far as erections went, Cale would probably have to melt a little for Marcia to get that particular candy stick in her mouth. Then again, his woman had some skills. He’d bet she could make it work.

In the meantime, he’d make her come.

Tony took his place behind her. He lubed up her G-spot vibe and, without warning, nudged her dripping cleft with the curved head. Inching in all that soaked heat. Fuck, his palm almost burned from the contact. He put it on low, just enough to prod her arousal.

She threw back her hair and turned her head to shoot him a glittering smile. His heart slammed in his chest at the wickedness in that one look, at the utter devastation she wreaked upon him with so little effort.

How he’d ever doubted his love for her, he didn’t know. She had him wrapped so tight that he had no hope of ever untying himself. And he didn’t want to.

“My bad boy’s come out to play.”