Guiltily, she jerked up her head, only to find Cale opening his mouth to speak. “I don’t think we should—” she began.

“Maybe let’s wait ’til Tony—”

They grinned at each other. “Great minds, huh?” She eased away.

“He’s fortunate to have you.” He retrieved his necklace from her breast and twirled it over his finger before working another candy off the string.

“Ditto.” She glanced at his groin and tilted her head. “I think I need a picture of this for possible future bribery.”

Instead of freaking out, he cocked an eyebrow and leaned back on the bed in his best male model pose. “Want something to remember me by?”

It was good he understood this was temporary. Would help keep things from getting messy down the line. “Maybe I do.”

“Go for it.” He sucked the necklace between his lips, making her squirm. Just a few minutes ago she’d been bound by the string now in his mouth. “Just remember turnabout’s fair play.”

She hid her smile with her hair as she tucked the sex toys back in their box. “Maybe we’ll just skip the mutual candy consumption and erotic photography ’til Tony returns.”

Grinning, he yanked on the candy between his legs. Then he idly stroked his erect cock, crowned with precum as if it were a dab of whipped cream.

She stifled a sigh. Damn, did he have a license for that thing? And his utter shamelessness in using it to taunt her?

“As you wish, Blondie,” he said, eyebrows waggling.

* * * * *

Tony stopped outside the bedroom door and juggled the bags in his arms. He’d expected them to be asleep but the crack of light beneath the door proved they weren’t. As did the soft moans and laughter.

Two guesses what that meant.

He inhaled a long breath scented with the aroma of hot hash browns and cursed his growling stomach. Going out to grab food from the twenty-four-hour diner during a night at Marcia’s was long-standing tradition. His body always signaled him even if his brain didn’t. Apparently tonight that hadn’t been such a good idea.

What was the problem really? He trusted them, whether he was present or not. It certainly wasn’t off-limits for them to touch each other when he was out of the room. Feeling left out didn’t make sense.

He reached down to turn the knob when he heard Marcia speak, then Cale. And if he wasn’t mistaken, by mutual agreement they decided to wait for him.

A smile broke across his face. He’d have to thank them profusely—Marcia in particular—for their consideration.

Jostling bags, he managed to get the door open and stopped dead on the threshold. Cale lounged naked against the pillows, as did his lover. Her staggering beauty hit him first, as it always did. How had he ever gotten so lucky?

“Hey, you,” he said softly.

Her smile lit up the room when their eyes met. “Hey back.”

He returned her smile, but soon found his attention diverted by the unusual item wrapped around his best friend’s balls. Since, of course, he couldn’t be bothered to close his damn legs. “What the hell?”

Cale crunched candy as if he didn’t have a care in the world. “Candy necklace.”

“I see that.” He dumped the bags of food on the trunk at the foot of the bed. “Don’t coax my sweet Marsh into any of your kinky games, pervert.”

She giggled and crossed the bed to him, moving slowly so that her luscious breasts swung in a seductive rhythm. “He tried to wrap up my breast up with candy.” She batted her eyelashes and Tony went to stone in an instant. “I told him I wasn’t into such dirty things.”

Both Cale and Tony snorted at that one.

“Right, sweetheart. Believe you.” Tony snagged a handful of her curls. He tugged her up for a kiss while his eyes remained open and locked on hers. “I appreciate you waiting for me,” he murmured.

She actually flushed. “Oh, well, we both decided to. Because—”

“Because your woman’s as loyal as she is beautiful,” Cale interjected, getting on his knees behind Marcia. “Since we’re all present and accounted for, let’s get fucking so we can get eating. I hate cold hash browns.”