She reached down and stroked his hardening length. “As you were saying?”

“Think we’ve said enough for the time being.” He kissed her lightly. “So I’m curious. Where’s that candy stash of yours?”

“Nice topic change.”

“Don’t you want to share your sweets with me?”

“Already did, remember? Just like the typical man, you’re always greedy.”

He palmed her breasts and bent to rasp his stubble over the soft, sensitive flesh. “Hell yeah.”

At the sudden trickle between her thighs, she grinned. “No wonder I like you.” She tugged out the top drawer of the nightstand and waved her hand over the contents. “Behold the nightstand o’ pleasure. Full of two of my favorite things. Sex toys and junk food.”

He laughed and leaned closer to turn on the light. “Whatcha got in there?”

“Several very important items.” She drew out a lidded box and flipped the top to reveal an assortment of sex toys and lube in various flavors. “This is old faithful,” she said, indicating a curved purple vibrator with added G-spot stimulation. “It’s my favorite. Takes very little effort to get the job done.” She showed him a thick dildo with a clit tickler. “This one requires much more time and lube. And this one, well, this one’s made for two, though I’ll admit occasionally I’ve used it solo.”

“You’ve used a cock ring solo?” he asked, picking up the flexible blue ring studded with little nubs.

She didn’t miss the breathlessness of his question. Or the way his cock twitched. “It’s malleable. Believe me, it’s multi-purpose.”


“Maybe sometime I’ll show you.” She bit her lip, realizing what she’d said. There wasn’t a sometime other than right now. All they had was tonight. This wasn’t an open-ended arrangement.

Cale didn’t seem to notice her preoccupation. “So where’s the rest?”

“Ah, the really secret stash.” She opened the second drawer and withdrew a smaller box.

“Holy shit, look at the candy.”

“I have a sweet tooth,” she said with a shrug. “So does Spence. Our mother fed us nothing but sprouts and green things growing up so we went wild once we were on our own. Adam’s the opposite. He thinks adding whey to his protein shake constitutes going crazy.”

“You forget I went to high school with Adam. I witnessed his weenie ways personally. He actually used to bring a veggie burger to lunch. With 1% milk. And freaking carrots in a little baggie.” Cale shook his head, laughing. “Usually linebackers don’t eat like ballet dancers.”

Marcia had to grin at the mention of her baby brother. Since he’d moved to Florida, she really missed the jerk. Luckily Kel and Spence needed a lot of help at their store and Adam had been spending more time than usual in town lately. “That’s our Adam. More worried about his fat intake than a woman.”

“Eh, it paid off for him. All those sports scholarships ’til he chucked it all to sell real estate in the Keys. Tough frigging life.” Cale stuck his hand in the box. “Candy necklaces? Shit, I haven’t seen these since I was little.” He immediately ripped open the plastic and started chewing off the miniscule circles.

“I also have an assortment of gummy creatures.” She held up a cellophane-wrapped spider and a bag of tiny bears. “For those late-night emergencies.”

“You’ve covered all contingencies,” he agreed, chewing thoughtfully.

“I have.” She closed the box and set it back in the drawer. “I don’t usually show my lovers my secret stash but you and Tony are exceptions.”

“Thank you. I’ll always treasure your trust in me.” His sober tone made her laugh until he reached over to grab the pink highlighter.

Uh oh.

“Don’t even,” she warned. “I’ve already got one word on my belly to scrub off.”

“This’ll be three words. Short ones. A chapter title for you to use.” He ate more candy and stared openly at her cleavage. Then he drew her closer and started to write, one word on each breast and one in the valley between. “Don’t read it yet,” he said as the wet strokes of the marker skidded over her skin.

The movement of the marker shouldn’t feel good. It was a highlighter, for Pete’s sake. But she was pretty sure he could do just about anything to her and she’d have a damn fine time.

“Now,” he said, capping the highlighter and setting it aside. “Time for the demonstration portion of this particular chapter.”

He pulled the necklace out of the wrapper and wound it around an eager nipple, bending his head to nip at the candy. “Whatever you have in mind…oh. Oh. Cale.”