“Almost tastes as good as you.” He sucked her flesh while trying to work the candy off the string. She moaned and cupped his head in her hands to hold him in place. “Love your body. Damn, do I love it.”

“Thank you.” The small sugary beads rubbed over her areola and she gasped. “I, uh, like yours too.”

“Like?” He grabbed one of her hands and tugged it to his cock. Then he resumed teasing her, twirling his tongue all over her achy breast while he pulled on the string. “Why don’t you prove it?”

She knew she was on the verge of whimpering and so didn’t care. Her breasts were her most sensitive part. A strong pair of lips sucking on them could make her come. But when that strong pair of lips came with candy-covered string and a huge hard-on? The climax possibilities climbed exponentially. “Suck harder.”


He drew her farther into his mouth while she tried to run her hand over him in a semi-pleasant fashion. But her hand wasn’t steady, and oh my God, he had some suction going. Closing her eyes, she stroked her thumb over the damp head of his erection, moving faster when a hot gust of his breath washed over her painfully erect nipple.

“Get another necklace,” he gritted out, and she knew he wasn’t merely hungry.

She fumbled to open the drawer then dipped her hand in the box. Handy thing she’d bought a couple of them. She’d never eat one again without remembering Cale’s creative uses.

“Not my cock,” he said after she yanked off the wrapper and lowered her hand to his straining shaft. “Around my balls.”

Marcia shot him a speculative glance. Amazing the stuff one learned about a person in bed. “Won’t that hurt?”

“Not exactly durable string. But yeah, I hope it does.” He bit down on her nipple and a surprised moan ripped from her throat. “A little pain makes pleasure hotter.”

The dungeon at the club flashed into her mind. Did stuff like that get him off?

“Does it?” She didn’t know if she should take notes or wiggle closer. Would he show her what he meant? Did she even want him to?

“You’ve never tried a little bondage?” Cale’s eyes darkened. “Some S&M?”

“Silk ties, sure. An occasional slap with rough sex, yeah. But what are we talking about here?”

“Restraints, ball gags, floggers. Sometimes a belt, sometimes a whip. Whatever it takes.”

She frowned. As much as she liked to experiment, she usually ranked other things above pain. It wasn’t a sure route to pleasure for her, despite what he’d said. She just wasn’t wired that way. Didn’t mean she couldn’t explore the idea of it and it also didn’t mean she wouldn’t include some information about BDSM in her book. But it just wasn’t her scene.

God, was Tony into that stuff too? He was Cale’s best friend. They probably talked about this stuff. Did he fantasize about hard-core bondage or something more extreme? Judging from their bed play, she didn’t really think so, but who knew for sure?

She would have to ask him. That seemed like something important she needed to know before they went any further in their relationship. If he was hoping one day she’d be ready for one of those whatsamajig crosses, she’d hav

e to set him straight.

“Who gets restrained and beat up?” she asked. “You or the girl?”

He shrugged. “With me, usually the woman. I’m dominant but I like pain too. If she wanted to use a flogger on me now and then, I wouldn’t say no.” His lips twisted. “By the way, beating up isn’t the right term, Blondie. Sensual pain isn’t abuse.”

“If you say so.”

She awkwardly strung the candy around his sac then gave a test pull, using her other hand to hold the necklace tight. Cale released a low groan.

“Good?” she asked breathlessly. She’d never imagined candy could be used in such fascinating ways, but ay caramba, seeing his taut flesh bound up by those sweet multi-colored beads made her pussy drip.

“Hell yeah.”

“I want to eat it off you.”

He groaned again and she shimmied lower to take a deep breath of his spicy, masculine scent. His arousal jutted against her cheek while her tongue quivered to lick his hot, salty skin.

But shit, she couldn’t. This wasn’t right. A threesome meant three. All three of them together. She hadn’t been thinking earlier when she’d let Cale suck on her breasts, but sometime between then and now her brain had finally engaged. She shouldn’t make a meal out of the necklace encircling that dark, irresistible flesh between Cale’s legs unless Tony was there to supervise.

And maybe fuck her from behind, depending.