“No, I’m just happy we found a way to do the song. It’s a really good one too. Not a cover song of an old standard.”
I nodded. “Alexander Nash is super talented. I was glad to finally get a chance to work with him.”
“Why is that exactly?”
Was everyone trying their hand at journalism or something? “We just never got our schedules to line up before.”
“Ah, I see. Have a good show tonight.”
My smile was a little easier. “Thanks.”
Jamie followed me out the door with a peace sign. We didn’t speak until we were down in the parking garage. Jamie opened her mouth and I just shook my head.
George must have been watching for us, because he was waiting with the car trunk open. We quickly stowed our guitars.
Once we were in the soundproofed vehicle, I growled. “Fuck.”
“What the hell was that about?”
“I don’t fucking know.”
“Is that why Logan called you out there? To stand in for that new chick, Angel Martin?”
“Logan doesn’t give much in the
way of details when it comes to gossip. I know it was an emergency and that Angel had some sort of incident that pissed everyone off. Nash has a hard policy about drug use.”
“How hard are we talking?”
“Like a principal in a family drama.”
Jamie laughed. “Is he the one smoking something? Everyone uses something. Either booze, illegals, or a prescription to keep the darkness away.”
I slanted her a look. “Sex can be an addiction too.”
“You’re starting to make me jealous, and I don’t get jealous, you bitch.” She punched my shoulder none too lightly.
I laughed. “Anyway, not Nash. He doesn’t care about drinking, I don’t think. Logan and I drank around him without an issue, but drugs…” I settled back in my seat and stretched my legs. “Hard no. Especially in the studio.”
“Makes shit harder on him, but whatever works for you.” Jamie pulled out her phone and it was blissfully silent for the rest of the ride back to the hotel.
I didn’t have the mental capacity to get into it with Nash about what had happened today, but I didn’t want him to be blindsided. I texted Logan and told him to listen to the show.
Luckily, he was already on it, so maybe I hadn’t screwed up too much. His final reply was a quick one.
I’ll email you some details that we’re using for the album so you don’t get the noose again.
I laughed and thanked him before tucking my phone away again. Because of course, there wasn’t a text from Alex. I thought he’d replied earlier when my phone had buzzed back at the hotel, but nope. No apology, no further communication.
At least it wasn’t another weird call with those moaning noises or whatever the fuck they were. I’d been so busy today that I hadn’t had time to think of it, but now that I was, I couldn’t quite sit still.
I was used to getting strange calls and dealing with odd encounters. Just part and parcel of my crazy business. But this felt different.
Maybe I’d do a reverse lookup on the number when I got a chance. Just to see. Or I could run it by George.