I could play the game faster and better than this chick, that was for certain.

The light in Shay’s eyes dimmed.

“How’s third row to our show tonight?” I could have gone with first, but that was harder to procure from Darcy. She would already be on my ass after this interview. “I’m sure we can raise some great money for the kids right here and right now. Even some backstage passes.”

Casey slipped in the room and gave Shay the high sign to shut her damn mouth.

“Of course. That’s very generous of you.”

“Animals and kids always get a helping hand from Brooklyn Dawn.” When three people left the room, I knew I’d dodged a bullet this time.

The tone of the interview went straight to fluffy as we gave our usual responses to questions. Instead of singing one of our songs, I pretended that we had to leave for another appointment. Shay’s smile dimmed even further.

When we got the signal that the show was wrapped up, I immediately stood.

“Always a pleasure, Bobby.” I slanted a look at the woman beside me. “Shay.” I lifted my guitar case and headed for the door.

“I’m just doing my job, Lindsey,” Shay said to my back.

I paused briefly. Part of me wanted to ask her why she ambushed me, but I didn’t want to give her any more details to pick at.

Whatever. We’d done what we needed to and we’d gotten through it.

I followed Casey out into the hall. Jamie was right behind me and gave her a parting shot, but I was too pissed to try to smooth things over.

The interview warmup had been a fun moment between Jamie and I, and they’d ruined it for some gossip. Not for the first time, and probably not the last.

Cripes, I hadn’t even known anyone knew about Angel. Then again, I wasn’t privy to exactly what had happened before I arrived. It didn’t seem like Logan’s style to throw a singer under the bus, even if there were drugs involved.

The only problem with meteoric fame like Angel’s was that the people she surrounded herself with probably hadn’t been vetted long enough to be sure they were loyal. The tip off to Shay could have come from one of Angel’s less trustworthy people. That had been my first guess, but Shay extrapolating all that from some tidbit seemed a little farfetched.

Maybe someone higher up had clued her in. Who knows?

Casey was quiet as she stood in the doorway of the conference room. I quickly signed a few shirts and hats as well as a half dozen CDs of our new album and two limited edition LPs. Jamie followed right behind me and did the same.

I gave the producer my best fake smile. “Thanks for having us.”

“Of course. We hope you’ll make a return trip the next time you’re in town.”

Jamie snorted behind me. Luckily, I was trained to push past dislike. I knew Casey was just doing her job, but it felt far oilier than just some fun gossip for clickbait videos to get people to go to their website. “We’re happy to help out.”

I dug out my phone and quickly dashed off a message to our tour manager about the tickets I’d just offered up. She probably already knew about it, but the one time I assumed, I’d probably get raked over the coals.

“Darcy will be in touch about the tickets for tonight.”

“We appreciate it.”

It took everything in me not to tell her to fuck off. “Will we see you at the show tonight?”

“The afternoon crew is doing a remote at the venue.”

“I’ll send Oz and Teagan out to them for some soundbites.”

“Thanks.” Casey averted her eyes, then straightened her shoulders and met my gaze. “We’re looking forward to the new singles for the holidays.”

“Knowing Logan, you’ll find out about everything very soon.”

“So, there is something to tell?”