Page 106 of Prison Snatch

Sabina laughed. “And from the back. Don’t forget that part.”

“Ugh. Doesn’t he remind you of Rasputia?”

Sabina snorted with laughter. “Ohmygod. Yes, yes!”

“Would you fuck him?” Heaven asked.

Sabina ran her tongue over her teeth, then narrowed her eyes. “So it was long and fat?”

Heaven slowly nodded her head. “Very.”

Sabina twirled a lock of hair around her finger. “Then yes. After I’m drunk.”

They cracked up. Then for the next hour, Heaven listened intently to Sabina as she jabbered on about who was fucking whom.


Chasing Pavements . . .

“Mm, just look at him,” Sabina said, shoulder bumping Heaven as the two women stood on the tier leaning over the railing watching everyone down in the day space. “God, he is so fine,” she commented.

Heaven swept her gaze over in the direction of Sabina’s. She narrowed her eyes, zooming in closer. And there stood a tall, muscular man with coal-black hair he wore short and stylishly spiky on top—with a bad-boy air about him.

“Who is that?” Heaven asked curiously.

“That’s Mister Panty-Wetter right there,” she answered on a laugh. “Doesn’t he remind you of that actor Channing Tatum, minus the dark hair?”

Heaven looked harder. He definitely did favor the sexy actor. “Yeah, but who is he?” she asked again.

“Officer Swanson. Mmm. I’d fuck him.”

Heaven snorted. “Ho, you don’t fuck white men, remember? Or has that little horny snatch of yours forgotten that fact?”

Sabina waved her on. “Girl, for that. I’d make an exception. I think my kitty would forgive me.”

Heaven shook her head. “Girl, your ass is out of control.”

Sabina kept her gaze on him. “Would you fuck him?”

She pondered the question, then shrugged. “Depends?”

“On?” Sabina shifted her body toward her.

She’d never been with a white man, but she could appreciate any man who exuded lots of sex appeal and swag. And for a white man, he did exactly that. And, from where she stood—looking down on him, he was damn sexy.

“On how pink it was . . . down there. And if he was circumcised or not.”

Sabina made a face. “Eww at the visual; pink dick, no thank you. But, um, a dick with lots of skin—mmm, yes . . . yummy—I love nibbling on it; sticking my tongue in between the skin, then licking the head.”

Heaven stared blankly at her. Then clutched her stomach, feigning illness. “Oh, God, I think I just threw up in the back of my mouth a little bit. That is so nasty.”

Sabina rolled her eyes. “Don’t knock it, hon, until you try it. A big, meaty dick with lots of skin is a real tasty treat.”

Heaven glanced over at the CO again, then back to Sabina. “I’ll pass.”

“But would you pass on that sexy one right there?” Sabina asked as another CO walked onto the housing unit.

Heaven’s pulse kicked up.