Page 107 of Prison Snatch

“I’d fuck him in a heartbeat,” Sabina stage-whispered. “God, he’s so damn fine.”

Officer Rawlings looked around the unit, then up at the third tier—if he spotted her, he didn’t let on, and Heaven pretended not to notice him, either.

Sabina licked her lips. “You can have Mister Panty-Wetter. I’ll take Rawlings. He’s the catch of all catches.”

Heaven felt her jaw clench. This bitch had better back up off him, she thought as she gave her the side-eye. “And why is that?”

Sabina grinned. “Girl, I thought you knew. He’s the warden’s son.”

Heaven blinked. “Say whaaaat? Rewind. He’s—”

“He’s all kinds of sexy,” Clitina chimed in as she walked up to the two of them. “I’d give ’em both some of this good hoodie-hoodie.”

Sabina and Heaven stared in question.

Clitina huffed. “Damn, y’all. Top them off. Geesh. You bitches cray-cray. Suck they dingalings like they were two jumbo scrimps dipped in warm butter sauce.”

Sabina stared at her in disgust.

Clitina caught how she was looking at her and frowned. “Cracker-bitch, don’t be starin’ at me like that. You a dick-suckin’ ass yourself, so don’t judge me, bitch.”

Sabina stepped from the railing. “Bitch, you don’t know me. So go take your dirty-ass on before I show you what this cracker-bitch can do.”


Heaven quickly jumped in between the two women before punches were thrown. “Sabina, girl. Don’t trip.” She then eyed Clitina. “Don’t do it. Both you bitches play nice.”

Clitina huffed. “Miss Heaven. I ain’t gotta play nice with her wannabe-black-actin’-ass. Fuck her.”

“No bitch,” Sabina snapped. “Fuck you. And it’s shrimp, dumb bitch. Not—”


Clitina’s fist reached over Heaven and knocked Sabina in her jaw. Heaven quickly got out of the way and let them fight. She knew once blows were thrown, she’d have to let them bang it out and let the COs handle it.

She wasn’t trying to break a nail today. But she wanted to get back to Rawlings and this news that all the while she’d been fucking the warden’s son. Oh, God, how delicious this—

“You fucking ugly, dirty black bitch!” Sabina yelled, swinging her


“What you call me?” Whap! Whap! Whap! “You call me a black bitch, huh?”


“Cracker-bitch! Let me show you how ugly this black bitch can get. . . .”

Clitina wrapped her hands in Sabina’s hair and swung her down to the concrete floor and stomped her in her head, then dragged her by her hair down the tier.

Heaven cringed, feeling terrible at how badly her cellmate was getting dragged. But she kept spewing out black bitch, this black bitch that. Heaven sighed. She had to step back and let her cellmate get her ass beat on just that alone.

• • •

“That’s the warden’s son . . .”

Heaven couldn’t believe it. A part of her didn’t want to believe it.

“Lewis,” Sergeant Braddock called out as he approached her cell. “Pack your shit. You’re moving.”