Page 80 of Big Booty

This little bitch got the lights on low and motherfuckin’ fuck-music playin’ low in the background. I smell her hot pussy in the air. It smells like clambake ’n shrimps up in here. I’m too goddamn through!

“Oh, shit. Fuck!” Cockeye says as I flip on the lights. He’s butt-ass naked; dick bouncin’ everywhere. Day’Asia’s fast-ass is in a red thong. A goddamn thong! Some shit I didn’t buy her at that. I’m standin’ on his pants. He tries to grab his boxers.

“Oh, no, motherfucka! You stand there naked or you’re goin’ outta here in a body bag! Now try me.”

He drops them. I quickly glance down at his hard dick and almost get weak. Now I’m really heated. But I don’t know what I’m more pissed about. The fact that this cross-eyed niggah has a long, black dick, or the fact he was fuckin’ my daughter with it. Either way, all I see is red as he tries to cover it with his hands.

Day’Asia throws her hands up over her titties. “Mommy, we wasn’t doin’ nothin’. I swear.”

I point the gun at her. “Bitch, puhleeze! Then why the fuck you in here all naked? I can smell ya steamin’ pussy way out in the livin’ room, smellin’ like goddamn clam juice.”

She blinks.

“Yeah, I said it. Rinse ya goddamn pussy out good before you wanna get it fucked.”

“But we weren’t doin’ anything.”

“Don’t you stand there and lie to me. I will blow your top off tonight, sweetie. Lights off, music playin’, candles lit, you only in a goddamn thong . . . where the fuck you get that shit, anyway? And this niggah here naked to the bone; y’all were gettin’ ready to do a whole lotta nothin’ up in here.”

“Mommy, please . . . we didn’t—”

“Bitch, I told you to shut the fuck up! And I’m not gonna tell you again!”

“M-M-M-Miss-Miss Simms, I-I-I can explain,” Cockeye offers as he tries to stutter his way out of a bullet to his face.

I aim the gun at him. “Shut the fuck up, niggah! You in my motherfuckin’ house, gettin’ ready to fuck my motherfuckin’ daughter . . . you can’t explain shit to me. The only thing I wanna know is. Did you put your dick in her? And if you open your motherfuckin’ mouth with a lie, I’ma get charged with a body tonight.” I place a hand on my hip. “Now talk!”

“No, word is bond, Miss Simms. We didn’t fuck. I’m mean, I didn’t. I swear. We were gonna, but . . . I swear on my seed. We—”

“Mommy, please. I’m sorry. Put the gun—”

Before she can open her mouth to say anything else, I leap over and backhand her. She falls back into the wall. “Shut the fuck up. Next time, I’ma pistol whip your ass up in here.” Now I’m not really gonna shoot my baby, or his ass. But, I’d mace both of their asses down real good. But they don’t know what I’d do at this moment. And the poor, slutty thing pisses on her nasty-ass self. Bless her lil’ pissy-ass heart! I feel like clawin’ her damn face it, then punchin’ her in her throat. She’s crossed the goddamn line, fuckin’ up in here! And not havin’ her pussy fresh. Oh, I’m goddamn through.

She slides down the wall, cryin’ and holdin’ her face. Like I give a damn! “Get ya goddamn stinkin’-ass pussy up off my carpet before you stain it.”

Cockeye looks over my shoulder and I follow his stare. Elijah and Isaiah are standin’ in back of me gawkin’, takin’ everything in. “Y’all go on and take your nosey-asses upstairs before I fuck both of you up, next.”

They take off runnin’. “Hahahahaha, Mommy said she’s gonna blow his cock off. And shoot up Asia’s nasty stink-box. Her pussy smells like clams.”

“Elijah!” I yell. “Stop makin’ up shit. ’Fore I beat yo’ ass!”

I stare Cockeye down. “Niggah, you tried to run your dick up in the wrong pussy. How old are you?” He tells me he’s twenty. “Twenty? Niggah, have you lost your motherfuckin’ mind? She’s sixteen!”

He frowns, shootin’ a look over at her. “Sixteen?” he repeats, soundin’ shocked. “Yo, I ain’t know she was only sixteen. She told me she just turned eighteen.”

“Well, she told you a motherfuckin’ lie!” He cut his eye over at Day’Asia. She looks at him, then me. I narrow my eyes at her. “Don’t say shit. I feel like crackin’ your skull open.”

“Can I put my clothes on, now?” Cockeye has the audacity to ask.

“Hell no,” I snap, yankin’ his boxers outta his hand, then snatchin’ the crumpled sheet from off the bed and throwin’ it at him. “Put that on if you wanna cover up. As a matter of fact, go sit your ass out in the livin’ room until I’m finished with Miss Hot in The Ass over there. Then you can leave.” He stares at me as if I’m crazy. “Niggah, I’m not playin’. You do know who my sons are, right?”

He nods. “Yeah. Miss Simms, I don’t want no problems.”

“Oh, too late, niggah. You shoulda tho

ught about that before you snuck yo’ ass up over here and climbed up in my daughter’s bed. Now you got problems. And just so you know. I’ve blocked your car in. So if you’re tryna go somewhere, you’re gonna be goin’ on foot. Now go take yo’ ass on out in the livin’ room and wait until I’m finished. Then I’ma give you your shit and send you on your way.”

I keep the gun aimed at him. He shoots a look over at Day’Asia, shakin’ his head. “I don’t believe this shit,” he mumbles, wrappin’ the sheet around him, then walkin’ past me.