“Elijah and Isaiah, y’all block the door and make sure this nasty niggah doesn’t try ’n leave up outta here.”
“Okay,” they say. “We got it covered.” I hear Elijah talkin’ shit to him, laughin’. But I’m too focused on beatin’ this little ho’s ass to be concerned.
“You stay right there,” I tell her. “And if you fuckin’ move, I’m promise you tonight will be your last night breathin’. Do you understand me?”
She looks at me, scared shitless. Good!
She nods. “Yes.”
I walk out into the livin’ room. Tell Elijah and Isaiah to go upstairs until I call them back down. Cockeye is sittin’ in the dinin’ room. “Niggah, I told you to go sit yo’ ass in the livin’ room. See. You hard-headed. That’s why your little bad-ass stayed in trouble and always in and outta jail.”
He locks his eyes on the gun in my hand, then looks up at me. “Miss Simms, I swear to you. I thought she was eighteen. If I woulda known she was only sixteen I woulda stepped off when I ran into her.”
I put the gun to his head. “Did you fuck her?”
He shakes his head. “No. The only thing we did was fool around.”
I frown. “Fool around how, niggah? You eat her stank-ass pussy and suck all over her titties? She suck that big-ass dick of yours?”
He blinks. I got the niggah shook. Good! “And you better think long and hard before you speak ’cause you done tried to run ya dick up in the wrong one. Now open your mouth.” I rub the barrel of the gun over his lips. “Open your mouth, niggah, or I’ma bang your teeth in.”
“Miss-Miss Simms . . . rrreal shit . . . we didn’t ffffuck.”
“Open. Your. Mouth.” I cock the gun back. “I’ma count to ten, then I’ma shoot your head off and splatter your goddamn brains all over the room. One, two, three . . . ” He opens his mouth and I slide the barrel in.
“Did she suck your dick?” He swallows hard. The niggah’s sweatin’ bullets. “Motherfucka, don’t think I won’t blow your brains out in here. Answer the question.” He tells me, again, that he didn’t know she was only sixteen. He pleads. Tells me I gotta believe him. I do. Still I wanna toy with the niggah some more before I run down on Day’Asia’s ass and beat her down. I get up in his face. And speak real low. “I’ma tell you what we gonna do.” I pause, narrowin’ my eyes. “We gonna act like this never happened, understand?”
He rapidly nods his head. Sweat is pourin’ down his face. “Cool. I can do that, ma’am. It never happened.”
“Good. Now this is what you’re gonna do for me. How much money you have on you?”
“I got like three, four, hunnid in my jeans pocket.”
“Good. I want it for all my pain and sufferin’. And then I want you to bring your black ass back here tomorrow mornin’ at nine. So I can collect the rest. You got that?”
He nods again. I pull the gun from outta his mouth.
“And if you don’t show up here at exactly nine, I’ma have my crazy-ass sons beat yo’ black ass after I fuck your mother up, word is bond, niggah. And them I’ma hunt ya baby muhver down and fuck her up. You got that?”
He nods. “I got you. I’ll be here. I’m not gonna front. I don’t want no problems; real shit.”
“Good.” I step back. Tell him I’ll be right back, then walk back down to Day’Asia’s room. Lucky for her, she’s in the same spot I left her in. I grab Cockeye’s clothes, then walk back out into the dinin’ room. I tell him to stand up and give me the sheet he has wrapped around his body. He removes it, tryna cover his cock.
“Niggah, I already saw your dick. Remember, you were tryna fuck my sixteen-year-old daughter with it, niggah-bitch.” I hand him his boxers and watch as he slips into them, runnin’ his pockets. I pull out two condoms, a driver’s license, and four-hundred-and-fifty dollars. I fold the money and stuff it down in my bra, tossin’ him his jeans. He puts them on, then finishes puttin’ the rest of his shit on. I keep my eyes on him as he stuffs his feet into his Timbs, then grab my car keys and walk him outside.
I memorize his license plate as he gets in his car. I back my car away from the driveway, then get out as he backs up. “What time you gonna be here tomorrow?”
“At nine-thirty.”
“No, niggah. Nine.”
“I got you.”
“Oh you gonna get me, all right. And if you don’t show up, I’ma have yo’ ass hemmed up for tryna rape my daughter.”
He blinks. “Yo, I ain’t—”
I put my hand up, cuttin’ him off. “Oh yes, the fuck you did, niggah. You tried to rape her. And trust me. I will make sure yo’ black ass gets fried for it. Now don’t have your ass here in the mornin’ and see what I do for you.”