Page 99 of Big Booty

“You ain’t shit, Cass. For real. What kinda mother puts her damn child out on the streets?”

“The kinda mother whose child turns her goddamn back on her. And I don’t want no bitch who ain’t got my back around me. Day’Asia was ’posed to sling that lil’ bitch down and stomp her teeth out for disrespectin’ me and she didn’t.”

“Oh, bitch. Get over it.”

I take a deep breath. “Look, Lina, I’m really tryna be nice today. But you pushin’ it. Do ya’self a favor. Don’t call here tryna do me. Just mind your goddamn manners, okay? If you wanna let her stay with you, then let her. But don’t call me with no shit ’cause I’m not tryna hear it. Her ass is on Depo, so she’s good for three months. You ain’t gotta worry about her ass gettin’ pregnant.”

“Bitch, you—”

“Mommy,” Tyquan says, runnin’ into the room. “There’s some ladies here for you.”

“Well, who are they?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know. One’s fat and one’s skinny.”

Now who the fuck is at my door without callin’ first? I stop what I’m doin’, walkin’ over to the window, forgettin’ that Day’Asia’s room is in the back of the house. Shit, I can’t even see who it is. “Lina, I gotta go see who’s at my damn door this time of day lookin’ for me. You can come over and pick up a few things for Day’Asia. But don’t you bring her ass with you. That disrespectful lil’ bitch is only gettin’ the basic shit,” yeah like these dirty-ass drawers, “all these high-priced clothes I paid for ain’t leavin’ up outta here. So she had better start trickin’ for dollars.”

“Well, that’s so nice of you. I’ll come by later and . . . ”

I end the call, then walk down the hall toward the livin’ room. I peek through the livin’ room curtains. Oh these bitches got some nerve, I think when I see a white state car up in the driveway. I tell Isaiah and Elijah to take the twins downstairs to the basement to watch TV and not to come back up until I call them. As usual Fuquan starts talkin’ shit and I let him know I’m gonna beat his ass as soon as I’m done with these heifers at my door.

He sucks his teeth. “I don’t like you.”

“Boy, don’t start ya goddamn shit. Now take ya black ass downstairs. I gotta put my happy-clown face on for these bitches and I don’t need you wreckin’ my

motherfuckin’ nerves. Now try me.”

“C’mon, boy,” Isaiah says, snatchin’ him by the shirt and pullin’ him down the stairs. I wait for him to shut the basement door, then swing open the front door.

“Yes? How can I help you?”

“Hello, Miss Simms?” A thin dark-skinned woman says, lookin’ like a burnt toothpick. Her hair is in extensions and pulled up into a ponytail.

“Who wants to know?”

“We’re with the Division of Child Protection and Permanency,” the brown-skinned chunky one says. She’s wearin’ the hell outta a real cute, short ’n sassy hairstyle. And her face is beat to perfection.

“Well, I think you have the wrong house. No one here needs protection.”

“Miss Simms, may we come in?”

“Uh, no, you may not. Now who are you again?” They introduce themselves. Miss Toothpick says her name is Arletha Jenkins-Smith. Miss Chunky says hers is Loretta Sanchez. I place a hand up on my hip. “Mmmph. And how can I help you bitches?”

They both blink. Toothpick raises a brow, then slams a hand up on her hip. I can already tell she’ll light the party up if need be. My kinda worker ’cause the last one who came here was some scaredy- cat bitch who couldn’t take a good cursin’ out, but this ho right here looks like she’ll bring it. “Look. We’re not gonna be any more of your bitches today, okay? Now we’re here regarding your daughter, Day’Asia Martinique Simms. Now may we come in?”

I smirk. Ooh, I’ma fuck with these hoes today. “Umm, no, ma’am, you sure can’t. You can say what you have’ta say right there on the stoop. Now state your business, then be on your merry way. Please and thank you.”

Miss Chunky says, “We received a call that you put your daughter out.”

I nod. “Yes, ma’am, I sure did. I sure did. Anything else?”

“And why did you do that?” she wants to know.

“Because the bitch disrespected me and I’m not havin’ that.”

“Well, first of all,” Miss Toothpick states, neck-rollin’ it. “Maybe if you knew how to talk to her instead of referring to her as a bitch and whatnot, she wouldn’t disrespect you. And second of all, you’re still legally responsible for her. Therefore, putting your child out on the streets is against the law.”

“Listen, gutter rat. She ain’t out on the streets. She’s over in the projects with her godmother. So talk what the fuck you know, ma’am. Thank you very much. And second of all, I pay the bills up in here so I do the fuck what I want. Anything else?”