Page 100 of Big Booty

Miss Chunky says, “Miss Simms, there’s no need to get defensive. We’re simply here doing our job.”

“Well, your job is done. Day’Asia ain’t comin’ back up in here. Now move along.”

“Then we’ll file charges against you,” Miss Toothpick threatens like that’s supposed to scare me.

I laugh in her face. “Bitch, I don’t give a fuck. I don’t get a welfare check for her ass and her no-good fahver don’t pay child support. So take the bitch. I don’t give a hot fuck about no charges. What they gonna do, lock me up? Ho, puhleeze. Lock me the fuck up! I’ll eat that shit upside down. So do what the fuck you gotta do. I need a damn vacation any-damn-way.”

“Miss Simms,” Miss Chunky says, “I understand your frustration.”

“Frustration? Oh, no sweetness. I’m not frustrated about shit. But what I am is tired of you DYFS bitches ringin’ my damn doorbell with nonsense.”

“Miss Simms, I wouldn’t call having to come out to your home as nonsense when we’ve had multiple phone calls, particularly around allegations of abuse, made against you over the years. Most recently less than a month ago an investigator was out here for allegations that you attacked one of your sons. And now this. I hope you realize if you are arrested and charged all your other children will be removed from your home as well and placed in custody, or with family members. Most likely bein’ split up.”

Miss Toothpick smirks. “And trust me. We will take your kids; all of them.”

“Bitch, eat the inside of my asshole. You don’t fuckin’ threaten me. Do what the fuck you gotta do.”

Miss Chunky snaps, “Look. Are you going to allow your daughter back in the home or not? We’re not about to stand out here all day going around in circles with you. So, it’s either yes or no.”

“Umm, did your mammy drop you on that big-ass head of yours or were you just born special? I already told you, n-o. Which part of no do you not understand? The n or the o? Would you like me to spell it out on your forehead in crayon for you?”

Chunky takes a deep breath. “We also heard reports of you attacking a fifteen-year-old girl out on your lawn.”

“Bitch, you stupid as hell. I ain’t attack no girl. The lil’ bitch slapped me and I whooped her ass. And the last I checked, that ain’t no DYFS matter, so next.”

I tilt my head.

“See, girl,” Toothpick says to Chunky. “Let’s go before I forget I’m still on the clock. Because this chick is really pressing it.”

I open the door and step out. “Is that supposed to be some kinda threat? ’Cause you can jump off the clock and get punched up if it is.”

“Take it however you want. Every worker who has ever come out to do an investigation on you has said the same damn thing. You’re combative, uncooperative, and downright belligerent. And all the Division is trying to do is our damn jobs and maybe help your trifling ass be a better parent, if that’s even possible, so you can keep your kids.”

“Bitch, how about you help ya’self to a meal. Skinny bitch. You can’t help me. And I’ma damn good parent. My kids want for nothin’ ho, believe that. They stay fed, fly, and always fresh, so don’t do me. I’m not some ghetto-trash bitch who don’t take care of her kids. Now get the fuck on before I forget my manners and fuck you up.”

Miss Chunky opens her mouth to speak. “Miss Simms—”

I put a hand up in her face. “Not a word, Hippo.”

She blinks, puttin’ a hand up to her chest. Somethin’ catches her eye and she glances over at the window. I look myself to see what the fuck she’s lookin’ at. And of course, the twins are in the window makin’ faces at them, stickin’ their tongues out and puttin’ their middle fingers up.

“Just look at ’em,” Toothpick says, shakin’ her head. “It’s no wonder these kids are out of control. Look who their role model is.” She eyes me. “Abusive and neglectful parents like you don’t deserve to have kids. And the first chance we get, we will be removin’ them.”

“You’se a goddamn lie. I don’t abuse my kids. And I don’t neglect them. I fucks them up. Big difference, ho. And when they outta pocket, I beat them the fuck down. And make sure you document the shit just the way I said it. I fucks. Them. Up! And what? I’ll let the judge know the same damn shit. And you ain’t takin’ my kids no-damn-where, so dream on, bitch.” I step back into the house, keepin’ my eyes on them. “Now like I said, Day’Asia ain’t comin’ back up in here unless I want her to. And today, I don’t. So press whatever charges you gonna press. ’Cause. I. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck!”

I slam the door in their faces.


Four hours later, I’m relaxin’ outside, sittin’ at the bottom of the porch steps in my yard wear: a pair of black booty shorts and a white tee with the words: HOT LIKE FIRE written across my titties in red letters. I’ve tied a knot in the back of the shirt to show off my pierced belly button. And I have on a pair of kitten heels.

I’m sippin’ a glass of Remy, flippin’ through a copy of some book, Brick, I found in Day’Asia’s room—written by some Allison Hobbs chick—while keepin’ an eye on Isaiah and Elijah washin’ down my truck. I told them if they do a good job and not start no bullshit I’ma buy them new iPads this weekend. So far they ain’t workin’ my goddamn nerves. The twins are out with Darius. And Marquelle and Joshua are out with their fahvers.

I slide my right foot outta my shoe, brushin’ grass from between my toes, then slidin’ my foot back in my shoe. I glance at my chipped fingernail and frown. Oooh, not cute! I need to get down to Miss Pasha’s first thing tomorrow.

Fuckin’ around in Day’Asia’s nasty-ass room, draggin’ her shit out to the curb for the trash, I’ve broken a goddamn nail. That lil’ disrespectful heifer really fucked her drawers off with me. I meant what I said, that bitch ain’t comin’ back up in here. And if she does, she’ll have to fight her way back in. Then, she’ll sleep her ass on the floor. That bitch had it good up in here, but she fucked up. And she gonna learn today, goddammit! You don’t bite the hand that feeds you, or the one that’s wiped ya black ass when nobody else would.

Gonna turn on me, mmmph. Bitch, boom! Ya stank ass is shit to me.