Page 85 of Big Booty

By the time I’m finished with this niggah I’ma have him pussy-whipped, ass-whipped and throat-whipped. I snap my fingers in his face. “Niggah, you ain’t even get this pussy yet and you already outta it. You better get ready to reup ’cause this party’s just gettin’ started. And you ain’t leavin’ up outta here until you do me right goddammit!”

It only takes five minutes or so before his dingaling is stretched out ’n bouncin’ for action. I tell his ass to lie back on the bed, then roll a condom down on his dick. I straddle him, then lean forward and softly suck on his nipples. He closes his eyes. And I’m glad ’cause his cock-eyed ass makes me dizzy lookin’ in ’em. I kiss him as I reach back and guide his horse cock to the back of my pussy. I work it between my wet cunt lips until the head finds my wet hole. I sit down on it, then slowly work his dingaling into me. Mmmmm . . . he feels soooo good. Once I have it all in me, I start gallopin’ up and down on it, real fast ’n nasty, slurpin’ him in, buryin’ him deep. Titties bouncin’, ass clappin’, I Kentucky Derby his ass down into the mattress. Giddy-up on his dingdong ’til I got the niggah’s eyes rollin’ back in his head. “Oooh, this big-ass dick . . . tryna fuck my goddamn daughter . . . not on my watch, niggah . . . ooh, yes . . . you fuckin’ her momma’s pussy now, niggah-bitch . . . this is how grown women ride a dick . . . ”

“Aaaah, shiiit, yo . . . pussy’s so wet . . . ”

“Uh-huh . . . you like this juicy pussy don’t you lil’ niggah?”

He grunts and groans. “Yesss . . . oooh, shit . . . ”

I pound my pussy down on his dingdong. “Cock-eyed bastard, you still wanna fuck Day’Asia?” I reach under me and squeeze his balls, sloshin’ my pussy juice all over his cock. “Big ass dick . . . uhh . . . you like stretchin’ out lil’ sixteen-year-old pussy, niggah?”

“Aah . . . uh, uh, uh . . . ohfuckohfuckohfuck . . . hellz no . . . fuck . . . ”

“You see Day’Asia, niggah . . . you better run . . . mmm . . . ya black . . . oooh . . . ass . . . aaah . . . the . . . mmm . . . other way.” I lift up on his dick, ride the tip of his dingaling fast ’n real nasty, swirlin’ my wet pussy all around it. “Ooh . . . you ever . . . try to put . . . mmm . . . this big dick . . . up . . . mmm . . . in her . . . aah . . . again . . . I’ma have . . . oh, yes . . . ya goddamn . . . uh . . . meat . . . sliced off . . . down to the gristle . . . mmm . . . now do me right goddammit, so I can toss you the fuck out!”


Seven o’clock Saturday morning, I am up, showered, dressed and ready to get Day’Asia’s cock-suckin’ ass down to the clinic before all them damn niggahs pile up in there. “Day’Asia, get up, boo, so we can get down to the clinic,” I say all nice ’n sweet. Her head is under the covers. She doesn’t budge.

“C’mon, Asia, get ya ass. You know it’s a mess down there on the weekends. And I’m not in the mood to have to curse one of those ghetto bitches out this morning. So, let’s get a move on it.” She still ain’t movin’. “Day’Asia!” I yell, smackin’ her upside the head and yankin’ the covers off her. “Don’t lay there like you don’t hear me. Wake ya ass up!”

She groans, poppin’ her head up. “What?”

“Girl, don’t what me. I said get up.”

“Why? It’s Saturday. I’m tired.”

“Wrong answer. You wouldn’t be tired if you didn’t have ya ass up on Skype all goddamn night. Now get up and let’s hit this clinic since your ass likes to fuck. So get up so we can go handle your situation.”

She snaps her neck in my direction. Stares at me and frowns. “I’m not pregnant.”

“Well, I’m glad you don’t think so. That saves you from gettin’ a beatdown.” I toss the EPT test at her. “Now get up and piss on the stick.”

She sits up in bed, foldin’ her arms. “Ohmygod, Ma, I don’t need that. I told you, I’m not pregnant.”

I walk over and shut her door. I don’t need Elijah’s nosey-ass creepin’ around tryna get his eavesdrop since he’s the only one up in the damn house. I stand in the middle of her nasty-ass bedroom with my hand up on my hip. “And I told you, you better hope you’re not. ’Cause if you are, boo-boo, I’m goin’ to jail and you’re goin’ up outta here on a stretcher ’cause I will beat it out of you.”

She sucks her teeth. “Dang, Ma, you always talkin’ crazy. You never trust me.”

“Oh, see. Now I understand why you like to test me. You didn’t read the memo, did you, sugah? I talk crazy because I am crazy. So Day’Asia, please don’t try me this mornin’. Get your ass up.”

“Ma, I’m not havin’ sex like that.”

I take a deep breath. “Listen, bit . . . ” I stop myself from callin’ her a bitch. I’m tryna keep it light this mornin’, but this lil’ heifer is really ’bout to take me there. “Day’Asia, I’m not gonna do a lot of back and forth with you. I don’t know how much sex you’re havin’. But I know your sneaky ass just had some long-dick niggah up in here the other night tryna get ya back blown out, so don’t give me this bullshit about you ain’t fuckin’ like that. ’Cause I done heard you and Candy’s whore-asses are real live campfires, lettin’ niggahs roast their dingalings all up in you, so all that shit you talkin’ about never trustin’ you means nothin’ to me.”

She huffs. “I’m not even a big ho like that.”

“Well, if you kept your legs shut, your ass wouldn’t be any kinda ho. But since you spreadin’ them high and wide, lettin’ any ole type of niggah slam his cock up in you, then we need to get your ass down to the clinic. I can’t trust you. Ho or not, I won’t stand for you fuckin’ any niggahs in here. You wanna fuck. You fuck out in the woods, or go to his place. And you better have ya ass back here before curfew.”

“Ma, for real. I’m not havin’ sex like that. I’m not a ho.”

I sit on the edge of her bed. “Let me tell you somethin’, Asia. If you’re not fuckin’ like that, then good for you. But, you’re sure on your way to becomin’ a ho whether you wanna be one or not. I can’t stop you from bein’ one, either. It’

s your body, do with it what you want. If you wanna fuck the whole damn projects, do you. But I’ma tell you this. You won’t be bringin’ no motherfuckin’ babies up in here. And if your hot ass gets AIDS you not stayin’ up in here, either. You like dick, don’t you?”

“Ohmygod, Ma. I can’t believe you’re sayin’ all this stuff.”

“Girl, don’t sit here and try ’n act all shy and shit. I know you’re a hot-ass. I gave birth to you, boo. So I know you keepin’ them drawers creamy. But know this, we’re the only two with pussies up in this house and I need to make sure yours ain’t gettin’ more dick than mine. And how the hell you gonna be fuckin’ and not rinse your pussy out, huh? Your pussy stinks, Day’Asia. You’re sixteen damn years old. Your pussy should not be smellin’ like a goddamn fish market. Now get yo’ ass up so you can go get ya insides checked. Is ya pussy leakin’?”