Page 86 of Big Booty

She gives me a confused look.

“Do you have a discharge?” She shakes her head no. I tell her to take them drawers off and let me see. Now the ho looks at me like I’m crazy. And I feel like punchin’ her in her throat. I get to cursin’ her out ’til she peels them drawers off. I’m sick! Her drawers are all stained up. “What the fuck?! I have a whole goddamn box of pantyliners in my bathroom closet; why the fuck ain’t you usin’ them like I told you to?”

She shrugs. Tells me she keeps forgettin’. And I slap her damn face. “Get yo’ black ass up and get in that shower and scour out ya goddamn stankin’-ass pussy for I beat the rot outta you. You think I want some-motherfuckin’-body talkin’ shit about ya goddamn pussy stinkin’, huh? Do you know how embarrasin’ that shit is? I feel like stompin’ the funk outta you. And how many niggahs you done let run up in you? And don’t lie.”

She shifts her eyes. She mumbles, “Like five.”

I blink. “See, you already lyin’. Now let’s try it again. How many?”

“Like six.”

“What do you mean, ‘like six?’ First it was five, now it’s six. Does that mean you’re not really sure if it was five or six or not?”

“No, it was six. Me and Bunz ain’t get a chance to do anything ’cause you kicked the door in on us.”

I frown. “So then his ass woulda been fuck partner number seven, right? And what kinda niggah calls himself ‘Buns’?’ ”

“It’s Bunz with a Zee.”

His long dick flashes in my head. I press my legs shut. “Whatever. So how many niggahs’ dicks you done sucked?”

“Ohmygod, Ma. Why you askin’ me all this?”

“See, you already done fucked up. I’m tryna have a civilized conversation with you, Asia, but you about to have me turn the ghetto switch on real quick. Don’t ‘ohmygod, Ma’ me. Answer the question, Day’Asia. How many niggahs you done sucked? I’m not gonna go off on you. So tell me.”

She shrugs.

“Bitch, what the fuck you shruggin’ for? You wanna do grown things, then be real with your shit. Now how many damn cocks you done shoved down in your goddamn throat? And don’t lie or I’ma fuck you up this mornin’ ’cause you know I’m still hot about you havin’ that cross-eyed niggah up in my goddamn house with his big-ass dick swingin’. Some motherfuckin’ Buns, Bunz, or whatever the fuck he goes by. So don’t have me set it off on your ass. Is that what you want, Day’Asia? You want me to stomp a hole in your ass this mornin’ ’cause you know I will.”

She shakes her head. “No.”

I stare at her. “Then how many dicks have you sucked?”

She looks up at the ceilin’. I can’t believe this nasty-ass heifer is actually lookin’ up as if she’s tryna count the string of dicks in her head. “Ten.”

Well, I done heard it all now. I have a goddamn mini-super head livin’ under my roof. “Ten? Oh, so you a regular ole lil’ cum-guzzler, huh? You swallow, too?”

“Ewww! Ohmygod, Ma . . . no! That’s nasty. I spit.”

I-I-I’m shocked! How dare she? Oooh, I feel like slappin’ her goddamn face off. One: She’s suckin’ dick and wastin’ good nut; two: she’s sixteen and done already sucked off ten different niggahs and done let six niggahs fuck her; and three: she’s suckin’ and fuckin’ and don’t have a goddamn thing to show for it. This lil’ bitch gonna end up bein’ another damn Dickalina if I don’t school her ass, real fast.

I take a deep breath ’cause I done promised her I ain’t gonna go off. “Day’Asia, let me get this right. You done let six niggahs pound your pussy out already, right?”

She nods.

“And you done sucked at least ten different niggahs off, right?”

She nods, again.

“These niggahs you sucked, were they the same niggahs fuckin’ you or different ones?”

“Different ones,” she whispers.

“What? Speak up.”

“Different ones.”

I narrow my eyes. “So let me get this right. My sixteen-year-old daughter done had some kind of sex with at least seventeen different niggahs is that what you’re tellin’ me?”