Page 65 of Tug (Irreparable 3)

“I didn’t do you any favors, did I?”

His grin tells me that he thinks otherwise. “Fernando is never gonna mess with me again.”

“That’s good, buddy, but I didn’t want you to get in a fight.”

“I know you didn’t.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. I tried to use my words and all that stuff, but he hit me first, so I hit him back harder.”

“He threw the first punch?”

He nods.

“Good, then I hope you whupped him, but don’t tell your mother.”

He laughs, but I’m feeling a little nervous about what I just said.

Over the next month, my relationship with Maria grows stronger. We both work a lot, but we spend all our free time together. Maria and Javier have come to the Center with me several more times. She’s become as fond of volunteering her time as I am. Javier and Paco have become good buddies, and they enjoy playing soccer together. Camilia is as annoying to Javier as she is to Paco. Thankfully, Maria and Liv both adore Camilia and entertain her to keep her from driving the boys insane.

Harrison moved out of the house. It’s been four weeks, and Liv hasn’t spoken to him. Surprisingly, she seems to be doing okay. I know her heart is broken, but if I’ve learned anything from my experience with Tori, it’s that things happen for a reason. Harrison was there for her when Liv needed him most, and she’s stronger now. Possibly that strength will help her to find someone deserving of her love. His absence is hitting Drew and the kids at the Center harder than the rest of us. Paco misses him the most, and Rodrigo said he asks about him constantly.

It’s what Tori said about being sure of my commitment before I got attached to Javier. As adults we have an impact on children’s lives. They don’t rationalize our irresponsible behavior, but they feel the pain that can come from our irresponsible actions.

I haven’t told Maria I love her yet, but I feel it with everything I have in me. I would die for this girl and her son. They’re my family. Spending time with Javier is a blessing and a reminder of everything that’s right in life. I fear every decision I make where he’s concerned and question if I’m saying or doing the right things. After his fight at school, I started choosing my words more carefully. Being in his life is a huge responsibility, and I often wonder if I’m worthy of the gift, but his unconditional love makes me want to move mountains to try. He makes me want to be a better man, a man he can look up to and be proud of.

I don’t want to make the same mistakes as my parents.

I change in Davey’s office into a sundress and sandals. I never wear dresses, but Tug is picking me up this evening for a surprise. I want to make more of an effort than my typical blue jeans and tank tops for the occasion. He has something romantic planned, and I can’t wait to find out what it is. Javier is staying the night with Drew.

Over the last month, I’ve fallen in love with a guy I thought was like all the others, but he’s not. He’s funny and sweet. He’s a good role model for Javier. He’s a gentlemen in every sense of the word. Tonight, I’m going to tell him how I feel, and share the secrets of my past with him. I don’t want anything between us that might jeopardize our future.

After making a few changes to next week’s schedule, I head to the bar to see if Davey needs anything else before I clock out. Crazy Red stands in front of me, blocking my path. I’m way too tired for a confrontation, but, judging by the sour look on her face, that is exactly why she’s here.

“May I help you?” I ask.

“I know who you are,” she says. Her bright red lips purse tightly, and she sticks her hip out to the side.

“So?” I reply, unaffected by her blatant attempt to bully me.

She points her finger and nearly pounds it into my chest. If she touches me, things are going to get ugly.

“So dump Aidan, or I go to the press.”

My instinct to show this girl how we do things where I’m from kick in. I take in a long breath, releasing it slowly.

“That will go a long way in getting him back.”

“If you care about him, you’ll leave him. The press will have a field day with him dating a hooker. His career will suffer.”

I lean in close to her, invading her personal space. “Who’s the hooker? I know about your little arrangement. You’re pathetic.”

She takes a step back. Fear radiates from her eyes. She’s not as tough as she would like me to think she is. Her type is all talk. “No, I’m ambitious.”

I glance around to see if anyone is watching us. The patrons are busy socializing, and the staff is hard at work accommodating the happy hour rush. I don’t want problems in the restaurant, but it’s time to shut this prissy bitch down.

“Actually, you’re stupid. Do you really think you can intimidate me? Do you think I’m afraid of you? I’m not some weak little thing with no life experience who’s going to run from a man who loves me because his jealous ex threatens me. If you try anything, I assure you, you won’t enjoy what I put you through. Now, put up or shut up, bitch because I’m tired of listening to you talk!”