Page 66 of Tug (Irreparable 3)

Her hand flies to her cheek, and her mouth opens. It’s quite the dramatic show. “How dare you speak to me that way? I’m a respectable businesswoman.”

A little piece of my old life surfaces, and I roll my neck, my hands on my hips. “And I’m a ghetto-ass bitch who will go all gangster on your ass if you hurt Tug.”

Her face squishes up. “Oh, my God. What does that even mean?”

“You’re a smart girl. It means hurt him, and I’ll hurt you.”

“You wouldn’t touch me.”

I’m done playing games with her. “I would, and with a great deal of pleasure. Now get out of here before I throw you out on your liposuctioned derriere.”

Her mouth opens, but before she can speak, Tug yanks on her arm. “What the fuck are you doing here, Larissa?”

She pulls her arm free. “God, Aidan. We were just talking.”

“More like you were stirring up shit. Go home, and stay away from Maria.”

I smile, and use the sweetest voice I can muster to say, “It’s fine. She was apologizing for how she treated me, and she was just leaving. Right, Larissa?”

The look on her face is priceless. She’s shaking mad, but manages a smile for Tug. “Yes, see, you didn’t need to manhandle me. I’m going.”

She spins on her heel and storms off. Her shoes slides on the tile and she slips, catching herself on the back of a barstool before she hits the ground. I cover my laugh with my hand and watch her carefully walk out.

Tug grins. “You want to tell me what actually happened?”

“Do you really want to know?” He nods. “She threatened me, and I told her I was going to kick her ass.”

He leans in close and nips at my earlobe. “That’s hot.”

I shake my head. “Where are you taking me?”

“It’s a surprise.”

We leave the restaurant, drop my car at Tug’s place, and drive north on I-5. Tug pulls off the highway in Del Mar. I relax in my seat and close my eyes, enjoying the warmth on my skin from the sun filtering in through the window. My eyes felt like they were only closed for a second, but they open when the car stops. I glance around through the window and see a hot-air balloon.

Tug gets out of the car. A second later he opens my door and reaches for my hand. I step out, and he places a sweater over my shoulders. I smile and slip my arms in the holes.

“Are you okay? You’re not afraid of heights, are you?”

“You might have wanted to ask before we drove out here, but no, I’m not afraid of heights.”

“Good, because Del Mar from the air at sunset is gorgeous.”

I have mixed emotions as we approach the balloon, which is already inflated. I’m not afraid of heights, although I wouldn’t say I was thrilled by them, either. It’s the lack of control that concerns me about floating through the air in a balloon.

An older gentlemen in khakis and a polo shirt engraved with a rainbow balloon on the left pec approaches Tug with his hand out.

“Mr. Hunter, I’m Greg, and I’ll be piloting your balloon for you this evening.” His balloon? I look up and notice the bold lettering on the side of the balloon, spelling out Gibson Capital. “She’s all ready to go.”

“Thank you, Greg. This is my girlfriend, Maria Santiago.”

I shake Greg’s hand firmly. Maybe a little too firmly, because he puts his other hand over the outside of mine and says, “It’s going to be fine, Miss Santiago. I have thousands of flights under my belt.” He smiles and releases my hand.

I relax a little when Tug takes my hand and walks me to the balloon. His strong arms slip around my waist and he hoists me into the rickety basket. A rush of warm air sweeps over my face, blowing my hair back. Tug climbs over the side and stands next to me. Greg follows Tug and effortlessly leaps over the side of the balloon.

Greg moves to the back of the balloon to prepare for the flight. I stand in the front middle of the basket, and Tug moves in behind me, bracing his hands on either side of me. “Breathe. You’re going to love this.”

My heart rate kicks up in anticipation. The excitement coursing through my veins makes me smile. Several people begin unsecuring the ropes that anchor the balloon to the ground. Once the final rope is free, the balloon rises slowly into the air. I hear Greg mumbling and turn to see him talking into a headset.