I go downstairs to grab some crackers. They’re the only thing I can put in my stomach before noon without throwing up. As I lean against the counter, munching a saltine, Tug appears in front of me. He looks ragged, like he’s been on one hell of a bender.

“What are you doing here so early?”

“It’s late for me, pretty girl.” He smiles, his voice full of playful laughter.

I lift my eyebrows. “Okay…and you’re here because…”

He tosses a manila envelope on the counter. “I have some forms for Brady to sign, and I wanted to see how my nephew was doing.”

“Andrew’s sleeping still,” I tell him, shoving another cracker into my mouth. A small part of me still holds him responsible for what happened. It’s wrong. He loves Andrew as much as the rest of us.

Tug glances at the clock. The awkwardness between us is palpable. I want to yell and scream. I want to beat the crap out of him. I want my playful, stupid, laugh-inducing friend back. “Right, well, I guess I’ll come back later.”

“The baby is Brady’s.” I blurt it out when I can’t come up with a delicate way to say it. He needs to know.

He half smiles, though it doesn’t hide his disappointment. I hate that I feel like I should apologize. “I’m happy for you.”

I roll my eyes. “You don’t have to lie.”

“Okay, then, I think it sucks.” I’m horrified, but only briefly. Tug starts laughing and lifts my chin with his finger. “Relax, pretty girl. Honestly, I am happy for you. I told you, I’ll take you any way I can. Even as my friend.”

A smile breaks out over my face. I feel some hope that we’ll actually be able to move forward.

Brady’s shirtless form jogging up the back steps has my nerves racing. I don’t know where things stand between them, although if Tug’s here with

work stuff for Brady, they must have spoken at some point. Brady nods at Tug as he comes into the kitchen, and then kisses me. “Good morning, beautiful.”

“Oh, thanks, I’ve been using a new skin treatment.” Tug pats the side of his cheeks.

Brady shakes his head as I snort at Tug’s joke, thinking I must have entered some parallel universe. They’re interacting as though the last few weeks never happened.

“Are you guys good?” I ask nervously, glancing between the two of them.

“Didn’t I tell you?” Brady kisses my cheek before nodding his head in Tug’s direction. “We kissed and made up.”

I glance at Tug as I bite into another saltine.

Tug laughs. “Yeah, we blame our psychotic mother and shitty childhood. Everyone’s doing it.”

Saltine crumbs spew from my mouth as I choke on laughter. My eyes water. Brady sweeps the crumbs off the counter.

Tug laughs. “Dude, you really gotta teach her how to eat.”

“Nah, I like her dirty.”

My face flames red. I turn and smirk at both of them.

Our family is honestly the epitome of dysfunctional. Despite that, I’m thrilled they’ve made up. I love the two of them differently, but equally. Coming between them was taking a toll on me.


My parents leave for Minnesota in the morning. The day after that, Second Chances goes back on tour. Their second single breaks this week. The label is over the top with their success. I’m still in shock. They’ll be touring nationwide as soon as the label works out the schedule. It means longer periods of time that we’ll be apart, but our family is strong. Nothing will ever change that.

Tonight we’re having dinner at a nice restaurant in the Gaslamp Quarter. Brady wanted to get everyone together, since it probably won’t happen again until the baby is born. Andrew rode over with my parents so Brady and I could share some rare alone time on the drive in. Brady pulls up to the valet. My door is opened for me and I step out, walking around the front of the car. I drink in the sight of Brady in a suit. He looks like he walked off the cover of GQ. It’s a rarity. My rock star will always prefer jeans and T-shirts.

Brady takes my hand, and his head dips to my ear. “Keep looking at me like that, and I’m going to drag you into a dark corner.”

Yes, please. Where do I sign up?