I smile as we walk toward the restaurant doors. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice two blonde women pointing and giggling. One of them holds up a cell phone. She’s taking our picture. Why would she…oh. She’s taking Brady’s picture. Though Brady’s told me stories, I haven’t witnessed any of the fan reaction to Brady. I’ve been tucked away in our beach home, oblivious to the fact that women have probably been throwing themselves at Brady. As the women approach, I wish I were back at the beach house now.

“Are you Brady Hunter?”

Brady turns his head. “Yes.” His arm immediately drapes over my shoulders. I smile. That’s right. He’s mine. They shoot me a disgusted look.

“Can we get a picture?” the girl closest to me asks.

Brady tenses. He knows I’ve been protected from this side of his career. I realize now that it’s been on purpose. He doesn’t want me to see how it is. I love him for it, but I know it can’t last forever. The more fame Second Chances gains, the more people will recognize him in public. I reach up and remove his hand, looking at the girls. “Of course. Brady would love to take a picture with you.”

They squeal, and one of them jumps up and down. Her boobs aren’t large, but they nearly fall out of her dress.

“Here, will you take it?” A phone is shoved at me. A beautiful woman drapes either side of the man I love as I happily snap the picture. He’ll never stray. We’re two sides to the same heart. I’m secure in his love. It’s a wonderful feeling.

I hand the woman back her phone. The two of them walk off, giggling.

Brady takes my hand. “Rough life, Mr. Hunter,” I tease, unable to resist.

His head falls back as he laughs. “Yes, it is.”

We’re escorted to a large room. Our group has quartered off an area in the back next to the bar. Everyone is here. I’m hugged and kissed by all the guys in the band first. Gabe introduces me to his son, Luke. He’s adorable, with a headful of dark hair and big blue eyes. He and Andrew run off to play. Jessica hugs me and asks me how I’ve been. I feel bad. I’ve meant to call her a few times, but life got in the way.

I see Rodrigo at the bar with a woman. He’s laughing as she strokes his arm. Her long black hair hangs low on her back. I leave Brady to the guys and stroll over to Rodrigo for a big hug and to be nosy. I’ve never seen him with a woman before.

“Tori, I’d like you to meet my friend, Paulina.”

We shake hands and exchange pleasantries. I can’t tell if she is just a friend or if it’s something more. She’s lovely. I hope it is more.

I find Liv and Harrison. Other than passing in the hall at home, I haven’t seen them much over the last week. They fill me in on the new classrooms at the Center and how Harrison is considering getting his license to teach. Harrison excuses himself, warning me it’s going to be a while, when Liv starts talking about her shopping trip from earlier today. We talk as she sips her gin and tonic.


I spin on my stool. “Davey.” I jump from the stool and hug him. “I’m so happy you came.” I glance down and behind him. “Where’s your son?”

“Oh, he’s with his mom tonight.” He seems nervous, but it’s not alarming like before. He looks healthier and happier.

“Oh, that’s too bad. I was looking forward to meeting him.”

He shrugs nervously. “We’ll be around.” I know he wants to say more. He doesn’t need to. I’ve forgiven him.

“I hope you will.”

He nods. “I’m going to go catch up with Brady.”

I smile as I watch him walk away. I’m really proud of him. Not everyone is capable of making the strides in life he has, even when it’s for their children. Annabelle comes to mind. I quickly push the thought away.

The night progresses into dinner. After we’re seated, I notice one chair is noticeably empty. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Tug once tonight, although I know Brady said he would be here.

I lean over to Liv. “Have you seen Tug?”

She darts glances around the room. “Huh…he was here earlier.” She shrugs. “Maybe he went to the bathroom.”

The waiter shows up and takes our order. Brady is busy trying to get Andrew to stay in his seat. I suggest that he trade seats with Luke so the two of them can entertain each other.

He lifts a brow. “Trying to get rid of me?”

I laugh lightly. “No, I’m trying to save the sanity of the other diners.”

“Good point.” He goes over to Luke and points to Andrew. Luke gets up from his chair and comes to sit next to a delighted Andrew. Brady smiles at me before sitting next to Gabe.