After Andrew is up, dressed, and fed, we go to San Diego and visit each of the schools on my list. Some are okay, while others are way too militant. So far my “gut” doesn’t care for any of them. We stop at the final option and go inside to meet with the director. From the moment we walk in the door, I’m comfortable. It’s not so clean that I feel the need to tell Andrew to remove his shoes, and it’s not so dirty that I have to sanitize his hands. The director shows us around, and Andrew finds a group of kids to hang out with while I talk with the director. I let her know I’ll get back to her after I speak with Brady, and then I collect Andrew to go to the studio.

We arrive just as the band is breaking for lunch. The three of us pick up subs and eat lunch on the beach. I discuss the school I found with Brady, and after Andrew tells him he loved it, we decide it’s the one.

After I drop Brady off, I decide to stop at the Center on our way back to the house. I pull up front and park before removing Andrew from his booster seat. As we walk toward the building hand in hand, Andrew asks, “What is this place?”

I stop walking. My mind starts flipping through the best way to explain it. “It’s where Aunt Liv and Uncle Harrison work, and there are lots of kids here.” I avoid saying anything further and pray he doesn’t ask.

“So it’s like a school?”

“Kinda,” I say as I start walking again.

He doesn’t ask any more questions. We walk through the main building and head out back. I spot Harrison on the soccer field, referring a soccer game. Liv is reading to Camilia at one of the picnic tables. As soon as I see Camilia, I remember the family that was coming to see them and Brady telling me it didn’t work out. I’m sad and happy. I want a family for her and Paco, but I’m thrilled to see them again. “Come on, buddy, I want you to meet someone.”

I walk Andrew over to the table. Liv’s eyes light up when she sees us. She gives Andrew a hug and introduces him to Camilia. The two stare at each other nervously for a few seconds before Camilia smiles and asks Andrew if he’d like to go play soccer. The two run off, giggling. I watch them cross right through the middle of the soccer game. Andrew jumps into Harrison’s arms for a hug. Harrison’s eyes find me, and he waves. I wave back.

“So, now that Brady’s not around, I want you to know I’m mad as hell, and if you ever hurt him again, I’ll kick your ass!”

I stare at her angry eyes, completely shocked. Her mouth finally curves into a smile, and I let out a breath of air.

Liv laughs before saying, “I’m not mad anymore, but you should have seen him, Tor.” There’s nothing she can say that will make me feel any worse. “He was moody and mean.”

I roll my eyes and laugh. “He’s always been moody and mean.”

She sticks her tongue out at me. “You know what I’m talking about. It’s not funny.”

“I know, but I feel bad enough.” I fill her in on what happened with Annabelle the night I left and how I thought they’d slept together. I tell her about my postpartum depression and how low I felt.

“I’m glad she’s gone.” There’s disdain in her voice. I suspect Annabelle was as friendly with Liv as she was with me.

“I know, but she is Andrew’s mother, so please be respectful.” I can’t believe I’m sticking up for her, but I feel very protective of Andrew and his feelings. I don’t ever want him to think about his mother with the same hardened heart that Brady thinks about Sheila.

Her eyebrows come together as she takes a defensive posture. “God

, Tori, I would never say anything in front of him.”

I relax a little. “Good, because he’s having a hard enough time.”

She smiles thoughtfully. “Well, I’m glad you’re back to help him through it.”

I am, too. This is where I belong. “So, tell me, how things are going with you and Harrison?”

Her face lights up. “They’re back to normal, now that I’m done being a whiner. We leave for Tahiti in few weeks.”

“That should be fun.”

She shrugs, shoving some papers into a stack tray on the side of the desk. “Yeah, I’m looking forward to it. I’m done here. You want to go outside?”

We get up and join in the soccer game for a while before I round Andrew up to go home. He says goodbye to the other kids and Liv and Harrison.

Once we’re home, Andrew tells me he’d like spaghetti for dinner. I tell him that if he’s okay with sauce from a jar, then I’ll make it. He adorably informs me that will be just fine. After starting a pot of water, I have him help me with the rest. Propping him on a stool next to the counter, I cut veggies for a salad, and he tosses them into the bowl. I slice some bread and open the butter, dabbing some on his nose. He giggles and wipes it on his hand. While I stir the sauce, I feel Andrew watching me from his stool. I smile.

“This is fun.”

“It is fun, huh?”

“Yep. I never got to help make dinner before. Mom didn’t really cook. We usually had McDonalds.”

I ignore the urge to tell him how much I despise his mother. Sheila had given Annabelle enough money that she could have hired a chef to make them dinner every night. I smile and say, “Well, I happen to know that you have to be four and three quarters before you can start helping in the kitchen.”