“You have a way with kids, I see.”

“Ah, I have a four-year-old of my own at home.” He smiles, rubbing the top of Andrew’s head. “We should get the two of them together sometime.”

“We should. That would be fun.”

I feel a little ashamed of myself. Gabe was at our home almost daily before I left, and I never knew he had a kid.

“Cool, I’m glad you’re back.” His eyes shift to Brady and then back to me. “You and him okay?”

I look over at Brady with a smile. “Yeah, I think we are.”

“Good. You’re blessed to have each other. Life’s short. Spend every minute you can together.”

Laid-back, philosophical, and a little cryptic. I like Gabe.

“Come on, beautiful.” Brady’s arms slip around my waist as he inhales against my neck. “I want to get you home.”

I giggle, rolling my eyes at Gabe. “It was great to see you, Gabe, and we’ll definitely get the kids together.”

Brady gives Andrew a piggyback ride and holds my hand as we exit the studio. We stop on the way home and get a bite to eat. Andrew falls asleep before we make it to the border for home. As we drive, I think about whether these late nights are good for him, and if he should be in school, meeting other kids and learning the alphabet. This is all new to me. I don’t even know what age a kid starts school, but it seems like he should have a routine and a bedtime.

“What are you thinking about?”

I glance toward the back seat. “Do you think he should be out so late? I mean, it’s almost eleven…and shouldn’t he be in school?” Maybe it’s not my place, but I say it anyway.

Brady smiles and then starts laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

He shakes his head. “I love you.”

“Okay…” I turn my head to look out the window, watching the street lights streak by.

Brady sighs. I turn my head back to him. “The truth is, I have no clue when he should start school or what time he should be in bed. I kind of suck at this. I know I love him.”

“I didn’t mean to imply you’re doing a bad job. I just…”

He interrupts me. “I know you didn’t. I’ve thought about it, too.”

I cross my leg and readjust myself in the seat. “So…what now?”

His index finger slides back and forth over his lips a few times. “I have a couple more weeks in the studio. I figured I’d sort it out after that.”

He’s not going to like my suggestion, but a couple of weeks is too long to continue like this. “Well, I’m here now, so he can be home with me, and get to bed at a reasonable hour.”

His eyes pull sideways. “But I want you with me.”

I roll my eyes, shaking my head. “Brady, you can’t even see me through the glass.”

“True, but I can feel you.” He squeezes my knee and laughs. “I like having you there.”

I like being there, but it’s not about us anymore. It’s about what’s best for Andrew. “You’re crazy, but what about a compromise? Tomorrow I’ll look into preschool near the studio. While he’s in school, I’ll come hang out at the studio.”

He agrees, and I glance at the back seat, smiling at our sleeping child.

It’s after midnight when we get home and settle Andrew into bed. I’m in the shower when I feel Brady slip in behind me. He quietly starts helping me shampoo my hair. It feels good to be home.

The next morning Brady leaves for the studio early, and I go about hunting down a preschool for Andrew. I’m shocked by the sheer number of options and am terrified to choose one. I call my mother, who advises me to visit each one of them and go with my gut.