Maddie lazily opened her eyes. “Already?” She squirmed and pulled the blanket up to her nose. “It’s too early.”

Jean-Luc mussed her hair. “It’s nine o’clock. You sleep in, but I have to get ready.”

“Where are you going?” She wanted to snuggle with him a little longer. It had been a while since she’d spent the night with a man and the bed was just too comfy.

“I have to attend to some business.” Jean-Luc pecked a kiss on her forehead. He shoved off the blanket and got out of the bed.

Maddie had a blast admiring his backside as he padded to the bathroom. Her heart fluttered like a dancing butterfly. Jean-Luc was a sexy man. She wouldn’t ever get bored of watching his body, which she had explored thoroughly last night.

She closed her eyes and tugged the blanket up until it covered her face. Comforting warmth cocooned her body. Her pussy stirred and a familiar ache thrummed from her centre. The thought of him sent shivers to her spine. God. She’d never been loved so hard, so passionately, by a man in her life. His touch had seared her skin with pure lust.

And his kiss…

Maybe becoming his lover wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Jean-Luc hadn’t asked her to perform degrading stuff. He was kind and gentle. He was obsessed with her pleasure. Jean-Luc wasn’t like the djinn who had abused Aunt Liv. He was different.

Jean-Luc was a good man.

She drifted in her own thoughts and didn’t notice Jean-Luc had come out from the bathroom. The bed dipped as he crawled in and pulled the blanket down.

Maddie blinked. Jean-Luc had taken a shower and was fully dressed. Water dripped from his damp hair. The scented soap wafted to her nostrils. He kissed her deep and long, until the aches between her thighs intensified. She wouldn’t have minded pulling the guy back to bed and riding him for one or two more rounds. But Jean-Luc seemed preoccupied with something else.

“I have to go now.” He caressed her cheek dotingly. “When you’re up later, Chabert will show you to your new room.”

“New room?”

“This one is too small for you, it couldn’t hold your belongings. I’ll send somebody to get your things from your apartment. I want you to be comfortable in here.”

“Oh. Thank you.” A feeling of relief washed over her. Since she couldn’t come up with the rent money, she was afraid her landlord would throw her stuff on the sidewalks. That old fart had been threatening to evict her every time she’d been late with payments.

“I’ll see you later, beautiful.” He kissed her again.

Maddie felt dreamy as she watched Jean-Luc simply vanish into thin air.

That was kinda cool.

All of a sudden, she didn’t feel sleepy anymore.

Maddie decided to take a shower.

* * * *

Someone knocked on the door while she was drying her hair. When she answered, Madame Chabert came in with a cart laden with food.

“Your breakfast, Miss Cartwright. Monsieur Berthier ordered for you.”

“Thank you.” Her stomach growled noisily. She was ravenous. Perhaps from the rampant

sex last night. Maddie eyed the cart as Madame Chabert pushed it into the room. Orange juice in a fancy glass. Freshly brewed hot coffee. A plate of scrambled eggs, ham, and bacon covered with a glass cloche. Fresh fruits. Toast and jelly. Yum.

“When you’re finished, I shall take you to your new room,” Chabert said.

“Okay. Thank you.”

Chabert inclined her head. “It’s my pleasure, deary.”

Maddie ate with gusto after the hostess left. She didn’t remember the last time she’d had a big breakfast like this. She’d been watching her dollars closely, the only thing she could afford for breakfast was oatmeal porridge.

After breakfast, Madame Chabert took her to her new room. As they walked through the maze of halls and corridors, Maddie wondered how big Maison Plaisir really was. The Folsom wasn’t a big building, let alone a skyscraper. She knew Maison Plaisir only occupied two floors, but from the inside, it looked like an all-inclusive five-star resort. She wondered if everything had been enhanced with magic. It seemed impossible to cram all of these into two floors of a typical office building. They had walked past two restaurants, a spa, a bar and a coffee shop before Chabert led her into the private residency area.