Madame Chabert nodded at a man in a livery jacket who tended the small lobby. “Hugo, this is Miss Cartwright. She’ll be staying in seven A from now on.”

The man greeted her cheerily. “Welcome. The movers have just finished with the last of your boxes.”

“My boxes?” Maddie echoed.

“The items from your home.”

“Oh.” She didn’t expect they would have had her stuff out of her apartment so quickly.

“I think you’ll be pleased with your suite.”


Madame Chabert patted her shoulder. “Mr Berthier wishes only the best for you.”

And the hostess wasn’t kidding.

The new room was bigger than her crummy apartment and a thousand times nicer. It had three bedrooms, a kitchen, a personal library and a spacious living area. The bathroom in the master bedroom had a big-ass Jacuzzi that could fit six people at once. Maddie felt frisky and couldn’t wait to jump in and relax with a glass of wine.

Dozens of brown boxes were stacked in the foyer and in one bedroom. They were labelled neatly—clothing, shoes, knick-knacks, china, miscellaneous. The mover hadn’t taken any of her furniture. Maybe because her stuff was junk anyway. Madame Chabert seemed to provide her with everything she needed, including modern amenities like a phone, television, stereo, and even a brand new computer.

“This is your new phone number.” Madame Chabert gave her a card. “Mr Berthier thinks you should be wise about giving out your contact number—only to people you trust—given your situation.”

“Of course.”

“Would you like to see the sunroom?” Hugo asked.

No way. “This suite has a sunroom?”

Madame Chabert smiled. “One with the best view in the city.”

They walked past the kitchen and laundry area before stepping into a vast, bright room drenched with sunshine. The sunroom was fully furnished with a patio set that looked inviting. Potted plants and flowers graced the room like a personal oasis. A dwarf orange tree, heavy with fruit, nested against the seamless window, the scent of its flowers intoxicating and pleasant.

Maddie touched the glass, admiring the view down below. The busy Lake Shore Drive, and beyond that, Lake Michigan, water stretched out as far as the eye could see. Truly, the best view in town. “Wow,” she breathed out. “The view is amazing.”

Madame Chabert and Hugo beamed.

“I’m glad that you’re pleased with this suite,” Madame Chabert said. “Please let us know if you need anything. Hugo will be your personal concierge from now on,” she added.

Hugo inclined his head solemnly.

“Thank you,” Maddie said. “I think I’m just going to unpack now.”

“Splendid,” Madame Chabert replied. She and Hugo excused themselves.

Maddie took an orange that had fallen to the floor. The fruit was so ripe and fragrant. She peeled the skin as she sank herself on the cushioned chair. She tasted a segment. Sweet and tangy flavour exploded in her mouth. Maddie sighed happily. Her heart fluttered as she thought about him. Despite what Aunt Liv had said about consorting with the Unseen, she enjoyed the attention Jean-Luc had given her.

He couldn’t be a bad guy if he wanted only the best for her, could he? Had she been wrong?

She reminded herself that she shouldn’t pass judgement so quickly. She had only spent a night with the man. She didn’t really know him, other than that he was a great lover.

You don’t know his ulterior motive.

He was a Hellhound, and all Unseen were self-serving creatures.

She let out an exasperated sigh.

She should wait and see. It wasn’t like she had a choice, or anything.