“Wait.” Her arm was in his iron grip, as he bent down to mutter in her ear, his breath sending electric impulses rippling down her spine. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. Please forgive me.”

“No apology necessary.” She jerked at his unrelenting grasp. “I was out of line. It’s none of my business.”

“I should’ve told you about the engagement.”

Dagnabbit… he sounded repentant. She grasped at her anger, catching it before it disappeared.

“Why didn’t you?” Another tug of her arm produced no results.

“Honestly, it slipped my mind, with the Reston deal on the line.”

Really? Business made him forget his engagement? She ought to feel sorry for Carina.

“Let. Me. Go.” She stumbled back when her arm slipped free at last. An engagement could simply slip his mind? She wondered, not for the first time, if there were any feelings inside his impassive exterior. How could she be attracted to someone so cold and calculating, so much her opposite? She must’ve imagined those times when she’d caught a glimpse of the real Bran Knight, the fantasy man she was in love with.

“I’ve apologized. Now can we get back to business?”

“Yes, we can.” She pushed back the storm of emotions threatening to explode from her fragile hold. “As the first order of business, I’m giving you my two-weeks’ notice.”

“Why?” He took a step toward her, holding out an open palm. “I told you I’m sorry. What else do you want?”

“I don’t want anything.” Nothing you’re willing to give me. “But you’ll have a wife to pick out your clothes and check your appearance and coach you on your expressions. You won’t need me anymore.”

“Your job entails a great deal more than that.”

His detectable irritation gave her a sense of satisfaction. He hardly ever displayed his emotions, so he was impossible to read. She had to face reality—Branson Knight was never going to think of her as anything but a personal assistant, no different from any of the dozens he’d probably employed through the years.

Maybe his engagement and marriage would help her douse those flames she’d been trying to suppress for the last two years. She shouldn’t have let herself fall for him.

The timing couldn’t be worse. Ellie’s new medication was incredibly expensive, and the insurance wouldn’t cover it. She couldn’t afford to lose this job, no matter how much her pride stung. But what if his new wife wanted him to fire her? Carina had always given Steph the cold shoulder, making her feel invisible.

“I apologize, Mr. Knight. I was totally out of line. The truth is, I need my job, and I don’t want to quit. But my head’s killing me, so I think I’ll call it an early evening.”

Though her words were stiff she managed to sound genuine. At least she thought she had. Yet he stopped her before she could get away, his hands firmly grasping both shoulders as he bent his head toward her. For an instant, she thought he was going to kiss her, and her chin lifted toward him, lips parting of their own accord. But he turned his head at the last minute, his face contorting in frustration.

“I’m blind, Stephanie, not deaf and not dense… at least not usually. I don’t want you to leave until we fix things between us. You’re the best personal assistant I’ve ever had. You take care of every part of my life, personal and business. I’m willing to consider a raise, if that’s what you want.”

“I’m not asking for a raise.” She swallowed a lump in her throat. A raise would be life-saving right now, but she couldn’t accept it under these circumstances. “Why do you make everything about money?”

His hands dropped to his sides. “Because, in my experience, that’s how things are.”

“I’m not like that.” His words hurt so much, even though she knew it was his own life experiences that made him so cynical. “Don’t you know me by now? We’ve been together two years.”

“Are you volunteering for a pay cut?” The corner of his mouth twitched, a grin threatening to emerge, and she briefly considered stomping on his three-thousand dollar Ferrinos.

“Of course not,” she sputtered. “I need money, like everyone else. But that’s not what this is about.”

“Then enlighten me.” In the shadows of his face, his eyebrows lifted. “Why are you upset?”

She struggled to explain her reaction without revealing her feelings for him. “I guess my feelings are hurt because you usually share everything with me.” Her voice dropped to a hoarse whisper. “I didn’t even know you and Carina were serious.”

“You knew we were dating exclusively.” His eyes widened in innocence.

“You d

idn’t even pick out her birthday present. You said, and I quote, ‘Get her anything. It doesn’t matter. I’m sure you’ll pick something suitable.’”

“You know I never hide anything from you. I didn’t mean to do it tonight.”