“That’s debatable.”

The man hid behind a mask. Sure, she knew about most of his business dealings. Yet she never had personal contact with his closest friends, other than Carina, who sometimes barged in during work hours. Of course, he worked so much, he didn’t have much time for leisure activities.

“I planned to announce the engagement in June at the shareholders’ meeting, but Carina said it was too impersonal. Right before the party, she talked me into pushing the date forward. I didn’t have a chance to tell you.”

“And you just happened to have that diamond and ruby ring lying around?”

He waved his hand in the air, as if erasing her objections. “That’s not even the real engagement ring. It’s one my mother left to me. Carina would never settle for another woman’s ring.”

“I understand.” She threw the lie out with all the resentment she felt.

“If you’d moved into the estate, like I’ve suggested all along, you would’ve known the last minute details.”

“I have a daughter. One I barely see, as it is—”

“You and Ellie would have your privacy inside the estate. There’s an entire empty wing where you could hide, along with your nanny.” His voice dripped sarcasm. “You could keep your precious time away from me.”

She bit her lip to keep from crying, glad he couldn’t see her face. All this time she’d resisted his offer to live at his mansion complex, for fear of becoming even more dependent on him. But the past few months, the medical bills had increased to the point she was seriously considering moving in to relieve the financial pressure. Now she didn’t know what she was going to do.

“It doesn’t matter now. Your new wife wouldn’t want another woman living in her house.”

“There are dozens of people who live on the grounds. She wouldn’t even notice you. And it doesn’t matter what she thinks, anyway.

“I think her opinion matters. You’re getting married.”

“Nothing will change. My life will continue as always.”

“You’ve got to be kidding. Of course your life will be different. You’ll have a wife. And some day, you’ll probably have children, right?”

“Children?” Why did he sound like her suggestion was outrageous? He was only thirty-two years old, and he loved kids. He’d poured millions into charity work for children. “We haven’t had time to work out these details,” he muttered, sounding disgruntled.

“You’ve been dating for a year.”

“Exactly.” He gave a sharp nod. “After a year, why were you so shocked we got engaged?”

She gaped at him, unbelieving. “Maybe because you never said you were in love with her.”

His mouth opened and then closed, as if he was debating what to say. “No. I didn’t tell you.”

They both jumped when the library door clattered open. A man wearing a tuxedo and a cowboy hat stepped inside, flipping on the light. “There they are.” A broad smile creased his face as he pointed toward them, the ice clinking in the glass grasped in his fingers. A blond-haired man pushed his way past the first, while another, with swarthy features, followed behind, moving with a slight limp.

Bran groaned, scrunching up his face. “Come,” he ordered, grabbing Stephanie’s hand and dragging her behind him as he strode toward the door like a madman trying to escape an asylum.

“Oh no, you don’t.” The blond stepped in front of him, barring the way, while the first man shut the door.

Stephanie couldn’t help the grin that slipped onto her lips. She knew exactly who the men were. She’d been dying to meet them since she’d learned of their existence, but Bran had always given her time off when this group got together. For some unknown reason, he didn’t want her to mingle with his three close friends and business partners.

“You must be the mysterious Stephanie.” The blond man spoke with a slight English accent. He stepped forward, lifting her free hand to gallantly brush his lips across the back of her fingers, like something out of a movie. On her other hand, Bran’s grip tightened like a vise.

She felt her cheeks heat. “I’m hardly mysterious.”

“Yes, you are.” His brows bobbed up and down. “Bran’s been hiding you for two years, and that makes you a mystery.”

“We need to get back to the guests,” Bran spoke between gritted teeth.

“Go back to your party,” said the cowboy, swooping around Bran to wrap his arm across Stephanie’s shoulder and wrench her away from her boss. “We’ll stay in here and get acquainted with Stephanie.” He took off his hat. “I hope that’s all right with you, ma’am. My name is Cole.”

“Not happening.” Bran’s voice sounded like grinding gears.