~ Prologue ~

He almost jumped out of his skin as a voice behind him interrupted his concentrated efforts.

“My name is Bastaeno, and I’m the custodian of manuscripts here at the Craedenza. Do you need some guidance or interpretation?” The kind-faced man gazed down as he spoke, eyeing the stacks of scrolls and parchments splayed across the table in disarray.

“No,” the boy replied, dismissing him without a second glance.

“I’m gifted in language, so perhaps I can be of aid.”

“No, I’m gifted in language as well, but thank you for your offer.” He continued to study the scroll with the strange markings, unwilling to admit he couldn’t read the words.

“Eh-hem… That particular scroll has yet to be deciphered by any of our scholars, even the most gifted in intelligence and language. Yet you understand the words recorded?”

He hesitated. “No, I don’t, but I can read all of these other scrolls.” He lifted his chin, glaring in defiance.

“That’s quite remarkable for such a young man. How many years have you?”

“I have eighteen years.”

Bastaeno lifted his brows. “Eighteen years? You are even younger than I imagined. So you came into your major power only two years ago. Am I correct? And already you can understand these challenging writings? You are extremely gifted, young man. Is your father gifted in language as well? Or wisdom?”

“No, he’s gifted in weapons and strength, as is my brother.”

“How extraordinary. He must be quite proud of you… so accomplished having so few years.”

The young man ducked his head to hide the heat in his face. “Not really. My father believes language isn’t a particularly useful gift because we’ve already learned all there is to know from the scrolls and parchments stored at the Craedenza.”

Bastaeno let out a belly laugh. “Of course he is jesting. After all these years, we are only scratching the surface of the knowledge within these walls. Everyone in Tenavae knows that. Your father approved for you to come and study here, did he not? That must mean he wishes you to grow and enhance your giftedness. Am I right?”

Knowing he’d left on his quest without his father’s permission, the young man avoided the question. “How did you know I traveled to the Craedenza?”

“Glaenshire is a small community.” Bastaeno shrugged. “Have you traveled far? And have you a place to stay? My wife and I have a small abode, but you are welcome to stay with us while you study the scrolls.”

“You didn’t see my eyes, or you wouldn’t offer such a thing. I am Water Clan.”

Bastaeno squinted at his face in the candlelight. “Blue eyes—so they are! I’ve seen very few Water Clansmen in my days. Well met, young man! Well met!”

Bastaeno grasped his hand and shook with such vigor his shoulder protested the assault.

“Well met,” he mumbled, extricating his hand.

“Although most clansmen distrust one another, we believe differently here. In Glaenshire, few of us are gifted in weapons or dexterity, and therefore we aren’t prone to battle one another. Most of us are scholars, gifted in wisdom and language. We learned long ago the color of a man’s eyes is no indication of value or the intent of the heart.”

“Your eyes are grey—I’ve never seen grey eyes.”

“I’m Air Clan, as is my wife. Most of my clan lives very far to the north, in the mountains. Like you, I came to study the manuscripts, but we chose to stay and make our home here. Perhaps you will do the same.”

“No! I’m going back to Water Clan as soon as I’ve learned all there is to learn at the Craedenza.”

“No offense intended,” Bastaeno held up his hands. “I simply wished to let you know you’d be welcome in Glaenshire. For the most part, we’re a very peaceful community where people from all clans have lived in harmony for centuries. Perhaps not as peaceful as Serenshire, but a close second for certain.”

“Serenshire? I thought Serenshire was a myth.”

“No, indeed. I’ve seen Serenshire with my own eyes. My father took me there when I had but five years.” His eyes glazed as he stared into the dark recesses of the room. “The city of peace. It’s more than a city, in actuality. Beyond the city the countryside stretches as far as one can see.”

“Can you tell me how to find it?” His heart pounded in his chest. This could be the very discovery he needed to finally impress his father. Surely he would be proud when he returned home having discovered the secret location of Serenshire. No one else in all of Water Clan could accomplish such a feat.

“Sadly, no.” Bastaeno frowned. “It’s quite complicated to enter Serenshire. You can only find it if you’ve been there before. Though you might be standing an arm’s width from the gate, you won’t see it unless the gatekeeper opens it from within. And even then, your group must be judged worthy to enter.”


“Yes. You must give valid reason for your visit, and your party must represent all of the clans: Water, Stone, Forest, Air, and Sun. So even should you find the entrance, you wouldn’t be admitted.”

“I see.” He couldn’t hide his disappointment.

Bastaeno patted his shoulder. “Come. The sun dips low, and I know you must be weary after your long journey. Rest at my home tonight, for all of these will be awaiting you tomorrow, exactly the same as today and centuries past.” He waved his hand over the vast archives. “What is your name, young traveler?”

“My name is Drakeon BarVinnasae.”

“Vinnasae? Is your father the leader of Water Clan?”