His jaw tightened. “Yes, that’s my father. He calls me Vindrake.”

~ 1 ~

The door burst open, and a gust of wind hit

the lamp flame, throwing wild shadows across the walls of the council room. A young man sprinted into the midst of the circle, halting at the feet of the clan chief, bent over and panting for air, his sandy blond hair escaping from its leather tie.

“Water Clan! Water Clan is coming!” Jireo spoke between gasps.

“How many did you see? How far away?” Graely raised his hand to quiet the sudden uproar that broke out in the meeting. His mind raced. It was happening, just as they’d feared. Vindrake and the Water Clansmen he controlled were deadly opponents, but a defense plan was already in place. Would it be effective? Would all of Stone Clan cooperate? How many would be lost in the mêlée to come?

“They were just outside the Laegenshire forest on the main road. I only saw the first wave on horseback, at least two hundred.”

“Did we not have scouts guarding the bridge?” Graely asked Morvaen, his weapons master. “How could they come so close undetected?”

With a grim expression Morvaen shook his head, clomping on heavy boots as he paced. “Yes, we had twenty guards posted. It can’t bode well that not a single one made it back to report the incursion.”

“I fear they were overcome by some dark trick of Vindrake’s shamans. I should have been there to protect them.” Nordamen tipped his head toward his son. “Bardamen could have handled the defense of Laegenshire in my absence.”

“You know we need both our shamans to carry out our plan. No doubt we will face more than one Water Clan shaman in the upcoming battle.” Making these decisions weighed heavy on Graely’s shoulders. Every choice seemed to save one life at the expense of another.

“We’re wasting time.” Bardamen emphasized his words with an urgent tone.

“Yes, the army is approaching fast on the main road from the south. And they make no sound as they move,” Jireo added.

“A silence shroud,” said Nordamen. “It takes a powerful shaman to hold silence over so many. They were expecting to surprise us, and we could use that in our favor. Yet I recommend we warn the clan and call in the warriors from the countryside.”

“Agreed.” Graely cut his eyes to Morvaen.

With a bob of his chin and a corresponding bounce of the tight black curls on his head, the weapons master moved to open the door, bellowing out, “Sound the horn!” Moments later, a two-toned moan resonated from the courtyard. Faint answering tones could be heard in the distance.

“Two hundred horseman in the advance group. We can only guess how many Water Clan warriors follow behind. We’ll be outnumbered for certain.” Morvaen spoke as he clomped back across the plank floor.

“But others will come. At least eight hundred have pledged to defend Laegenshire. They know if Laegenshire falls, all of Stone Clan will be defenseless against Vindrake.” Graely put an assurance in his voice he didn’t quite feel.

“Yet with so little warning, only the closest have time to join us. If only Alora were here to help.”

Graely knew Morvaen’s offhand comment wasn’t as innocent as it seemed. He and his weapons master had opposed each other in the council’s discussion concerning how and when Alora’s talents should be utilized. He clenched his jaw until his teeth hurt, but held his peace.

“Morvaen, there’s no need to rehash this subject,” Nordamen scolded.

“I know we must protect them at all costs. Yet if Laegenshire is defeated and Stone Clan falls to Vindrake, there will be nothing for Kaevin and Alora to return to.” Morvaen stuck out a stubborn chin.

“The council debated the risks, and this was their decision. We’re wasting time discussing it now.” Graely didn’t mention what they all knew… his had been the deciding vote to keep Kaevin and Alora hidden away in the other realm until Alora had more control over her powers.

Morvaen’s lips blanched white with pressure before he turned, striding from the room. “I must ready the warriors.”

Nordamen stood beside Graely as they watched Morvaen’s bulk disappear into the night. “Don’t worry. We’ve made the correct decision concerning Alora and Kaevin, and our plan of defense is sound.”

Graely forced his tight fists to unclench. “Yet I know if Vindrake’s men defeat us tonight, all is lost. And it will be on my head.”

Nordamen’s thin hand squeezed his arm with surprising strength. “Have faith, Graely. We are on the side of good. We fight to defend all we know and love. The warriors of Water Clan fight for evil reasons. Surely that gives us an advantage. Remember… Fight for good, and evil will fall.”

Graely choked back his emotion. “Sometimes the words feel empty, but I will say them just the same. Fight for good, and evil will fall.”

“Now is not the time to lose your faith.” The lanky shaman squinted one eye.

“It isn’t lost… only hiding. Never fret, it will appear when I need it most.”