“Does this feel weird to you?” Caelan asked suddenly in a low, husky voice.

The rest of Drayce’s smile formed and he bent to press a kiss right over Caelan’s racing heart. “Nope. I’ve been wanting to do this for years.” He tipped his head up at the sound of Caelan’s caught breath. “Is it weird to you? Do you want to stop?”

“No! I—” Caelan cut himself off, his lips pressed together hard as if he were holding some thought in that he wasn’t brave enough to give voice to.

Drayce moved up Caelan’s body, capturing his mouth in a rough, demanding kiss that Caelan instantly responded to. That was the problem. They’d slowed too much, allowing Caelan’s brain to kick back in. Too much thinking, not enough kissing. At least that was an easy problem to fix.

Besides, Drayce had no problem being in the driver’s seat. Caelan was cursed with running a country, keeping tabs on restless gods, and saving the world. The least a guy could do was make a king forget his own name for a little while.

Tongues tangled and fought, but Caelan gave in easily as Drayce draped one arm across his waist and rolled them onto their sides. Caelan thrust his hips forward, rubbing their cocks together. The most amazing moan rumbled up Caelan’s throat, and Drayce greedily swallowed it down.

Fire licked its way through Drayce’s body, burning away the last of his fears and inhibitions. Caelan was melting into him, each kiss hungrier than the one before. He wanted to taste, to feel, to know all there was to Caelan. He wanted inside of his lover, filling his body and mind so completely that even the gods were pushed out of him. There had to be room for only Drayce inside of Caelan even if just for a second.

Grabbing Caelan’s knee, Drayce hooked it over his hip, bringing them even closer together. He squeezed a hand between them, wrapping his fingers around their cocks. One of them was leaking, providing just enough natural lubricant to keep it from being painful as Drayce stroked them together.

Caelan broke off the kiss on a loud gasp of Drayce’s name. His wide eyes snapped to Drayce’s and his swollen lips were parted on a nearly silent cry of pleasure. This moment was now forever etched in Drayce’s mind. The perfection of Caelan. His absolute trust. The spidery reach of the world had finally been thrown off, and it was just the two of them chasing a blinding release.

“Drayce.” Caelan’s voice trembled and fingers bit into his shoulder. “I’m not going to last.”

Drayce answered with a crooked smile as his own orgasm started to tingle low at the base of his spine and tug his balls tight to his body. No, he definitely wasn’t going to last long either. That was okay. Next time would be slower. He’d kiss every inch of Caelan’s body. Bathe him with his tongue until he had the taste of him forever branded in his brain.

“Then don’t,” he groaned. “Come for me. Burn up just for me.”

Caelan snagged a fistful of Drayce’s hair and smashed their mouths together in a brutal kiss that was more teeth than tongues. Caelan swelled in Drayce’s hand a second before hot cum splashed across their stomachs. Caelan shouted into Drayce’s mouth and Drayce flung himself over the edge, blistering ecstasy blazing through every nerve ending.

The world returned slowly as if his brain were rebooting after a nearly fatal power surge. He opened his eyes to find Caelan panting as though he’d run a marathon, sweat slicking his temple and sliding down his jaw.

“I…I think you killed me,” Caelan mumbled.

Drayce tried to laugh, but it came out as a breathless huff. “Burn you up.”

He carefully loosened his hold on their softening dicks. They were a sticky, cum-covered mess in danger of becoming glued together. But he didn’t want to move. If he didn’t, though, Caelan would, and he wanted to take care of his lover for a little while longer.

Leaning those last few inches, Drayce snagged an incredibly soft kiss that elicited an even softer sigh of bliss before he rolled out of the bed. The second his feet hit the floor, his knees went on strike. Drayce just barely caught the edge of the mattress to hold himself up.

“You okay?” Caelan asked, lifting up on one elbow.

“Yeah. You just made me weak in the knees.”

A low chuckle left Caelan as he settled on the pillows. “Idiot,” he murmured, but it overflowed with warm affection.

That tone alone gave Drayce a second wind, helping him to straighten and locate a dirty towel they’d left in their room from earlier in the day. He wiped himself off and returned to the bed to clean off Caelan.

Drayce tossed the towel to the floor and snuggled up alongside Caelan, wrapping the blankets around them against the slight chill in the air. Not that he was cold. It was just nice feeling all of Caelan’s soft skin rubbing his, the tangle of their legs together, the feel of Caelan’s arm stretched across his middle as if it had always belonged there. They were close enough to share a single pillow and for Drayce to feel the soft puff of Caelan’s breath brush across his lips when he exhaled.