“If you’re going to inspect me, Dr. Caelan, don’t you think you should check over everything?” Drayce teased. He lowered his head and buried his face in Caelan’s neck. Drawing in a deep breath, he basked in the true scent of Caelan. Something warm and spicy. Something that was the man he’d known for nearly a decade of his life. A scent that would always make him think of home and happiness.

He released his breath again on a blissed-out sigh. At the same time, Caelan’s breathing grew rough, a slight tremor running through the hand resting on Drayce’s chest.

“Drayce?” Caelan asked. The frustrated anger and worry were gone from his voice, replaced with a thread of something unsure and needy.

His hand tightened on Caelan’s waist, pulling him in closer. He turned his face as he spoke, brushing his lips across Caelan’s neck, letting his breath fan across the shell of his ear. “Touch me, Cael.”

The king needed no further urging. A rough “Yes” passed Caelan’s lips just before they met Drayce’s in a hungry kiss that threatened to devour him completely. Caelan’s second hand joined the first under his shirt, moving forcefully over muscles and skin. Everywhere Caelan touched, Drayce felt branded, as if the heat from him was leaving behind a mark that went all the way down to his soul.

Owned. Caelan owned him heart and soul. He had for years now, but this man was taking full possession of him, and Drayce was in ecstasy.

He leaned all his weight on the door, his legs no longer holding him up under the sudden onslaught. Caelan’s tongue tangled with his own as deft fingers plucked at one nipple and then the other, robbing him of all sense. He tugged at Caelan’s clothes, but they were so many layers and it was all complicated. It took him precious seconds to find some fucking skin. Just a tiny patch at Caelan’s side, but it was enough to make his friend shiver and give a soft little moan that incinerated the last of Drayce’s common sense. He needed to hear that sound again. A lot more. And louder.

He slid his hand up Caelan’s spine, and his friend immediately molded his body tighter to Drayce’s, rubbing their cocks together through too much fabric. Another needy, frustrated sound came from Caelan, and Drayce smiled against his mouth. His king needed to be closer, no more clothes or anything separating them, and Drayce was only too happy to serve his king’s needs.

Drayce pushed Caelan back a step, putting just enough room between them to make stunningly fast work of removing his formal jacket, shirt, pants, and all the other trimmings that were keeping Caelan from him. The second Caelan was completely naked and flushed in front of him, Drayce attacked his own clothes.

He met Caelan’s wide and nervous stare with a cheeky grin before lowering his shoulder and tossing Caelan over it. They might be the same height, but Drayce was stronger. He had no problem managing the king’s weight as he stepped over the dual puddles of garments and carried Caelan to the bed.

Caelan bounced once when he hit the mattress, letting out a soft yelp, before Drayce crawled between his legs and just stopped. This was not the first time they’d seen each other naked. For nearly a decade, they’d been a constant part of each other’s lives. One had almost always been there, lounging in the apartment when the other stepped out of the shower or was changing clothes. It had never been a big deal. Drayce might have wanted Caelan, but he’d been careful not to stare.

But this time he could. He could inspect every inch of Caelan and memorize him. He wanted to believe this wouldn’t be the only time they were together, that they had a long future of intimate moments ahead of them. Yet, if something happened and this was their one night together, Drayce wanted to have all of Caelan seared into his brain.

His hands followed his eyes up strong calf muscles dusted with dark hair to knees with old, faint scars. The hair thinned on his thighs and his skin grew even paler as they met narrow hips. A long cock bowed up to greet him and Drayce’s fingers itched to stroke that enticing length, but he forced trembling hands up to stroke along Caelan’s hip bones to a flat stomach that tightened at his touch.

A whisper of sound drifted between them, and Drayce finally lifted his eyes the rest of the way to Caelan’s face to find his friend inspecting him in much the same way. A cocky half smile tilted up one corner of his lips as Caelan’s eyes met his own. His friend’s face was flushed, and his black hair had been pushed back to lay loose against the white pillows. Gods, he was so beautiful. How in the world did someone like him end up in bed with such a beautiful, amazing man?