Heavily armed soldiers passed among each of the wagons, checking every inch of them while bureaucrats went over stacks of forms. It appeared to be very organized and regulated.

They lingered only for a minute, watching the proceedings, before Caelan dragged Eno into a restaurant that overlooked the street on the second floor. It took several attempts to make it clear what they wanted, but they were at last shown to the table Caelan wanted with a view of the gate and the people heading up Mrtyu road.

Eno gazed around at the other people who were enjoying a late-morning meal and lingering over what appeared to be dark coffee and pastries. They both pointed at some beautiful pictures of coffee and teacakes, sending the server off so they could watch the gate in peace.

“That…is a big gate,” Caelan declared the second they were alone together.

Eno was simply glad their coffee hadn’t been brought yet; otherwise he would have choked on it. “Your Majesty, you do have a flair for stating the obvious.”

Caelan glared at him, making it obvious exactly where he wanted Eno to shove the title talk now that they weren’t operating in an official capacity. After Eno winked at him to unruffle Caelan’s feathers, the king lounged in his chair and returned his attention to the gate. Eno made another visual sweep of the area, taking a quick measure of everyone he saw. No one seemed to be paying any attention to Caelan. Sure, he’d gotten a few glances when they arrived, but everyone had since returned to their meal or their dining companion.

All of Temit had taken on a more subdued feel than when they first arrived in the city near sunset. The workday had begun, and everyone seemed almost painfully sober. There was still a relaxed indulgence in the air, but it wasn’t the same frenzied celebration as they walked the razor’s edge of life and death.

“I found it interesting that the High Aspect didn’t blink at my mention of the godstone,” Caelan murmured.

“So, he knows it’s more than just an image on the flag,” Eno ventured.

Caelan nodded. “It might not be something all of Zastrad is aware of, but at least the High Aspect is an important enough leader in Zastrad to be aware of the godstone’s existence.”

Eno leaned forward, placing both of his forearms on the table. “Do you think that means he knows about the other godstones? Like the one in Caspagir.”

Caelan’s sharp blue eyes shifted to Eno’s face and he frowned. “I don’t know. Maybe. At the very least, if he knows, he doesn’t care. He’s very focused on the Dead God and Zastrad. That’s it.”

A smile lifted up one corner of Eno’s mouth. “Except he seemed very tempted by your offer for a visit to Stormbreak.”

Sadness unexpectedly turned down Caelan’s lips and he sighed. “Yeah. I don’t think he’ll ever take me up on that offer. A shame. I would have liked to spend some time talking to him about Zastrad and its philosophy.”

Eno straightened, his stomach flipping oddly at Caelan’s words. “I didn’t think you agreed with it.”

“Oh, I don’t, but I can appreciate their zeal for life in celebration of their god.” Caelan tilted his head toward Eno and smirked. “Is it so different than our celebration of life in the name of Tula?”

He could only shake his head. It was shame Caelan, Rayne, and the High Aspect couldn’t sit together over wine and talk philosophy in the Royal Towers of Stormbreak. That would be the kind of thing that would make Rayne’s entire day.

Caelan turned his attention to the gate again, and Eno allowed their conversation to fall into a comfortable lull. He stared at Caelan for a minute, marveling at how much older he already looked. The thick beard he’d grown since leaving Sirelis had been trimmed last night to tightly hug his hard jawline. His face was thinner from weeks of travel and rough living, making his features that much sharper. The young man he’d met in high school seemed a distant memory now, and before him sat a king determined to do what was best for all peoples of Thia.

Pride swelled in Eno’s chest, and he had to fight a smile. Caelan was already a king Eno was all too happy to serve and devote his life to.

“Let’s say the High Luminance shoots us down and Rayne doesn’t get us in with Magar. What options do we have for getting through that gate?” Caelan asked, pointing at the barrier in question.

“Forged papers,” Eno immediately replied. He relaxed in his chair and rubbed his jaw. “There has to be a market for that sort of thing. It’s usually not too hard to find. Vale would likely be able to give us some connections for that, considering how long she’s been trudging through the underworld in Zastrad.”