“They are. A small entourage arrived two days ago. A woman with a few bodyguards.” The High Aspect moved behind his desk, but he just stood there, a strange expression on his face, as if he were lost in a thought or a memory. “She was a strange woman. Very intense.” He blinked and looked at Caelan again, his wry smile returning to his lips. “I can’t say that I believed a word she told me other than the fact that she wanted to enter Mrtyu to see the High Luminance. But I think you are right in that her ultimate goal is the godstone.”

Eno met Caelan’s wide gaze, his heart pounding in his chest. Was this the same woman Caelan had told them was the Emperor’s new right hand? The person who was bonded to the Goddess of the Hunt? They were so close. If they could take her out, would that end the coming war?

Caelan would be able to easily defeat her, right? It was a matter of basic math. He was bonded to two gods. She was bonded to one.

But an ugly feeling swirled in the pit of his stomach. If it took all five gods to stop the Goddess of the Hunt all those centuries ago, would Caelan be able to match the bonded woman now?

“Do you know where the New Rosanthe representative is staying?” Caelan inquired tightly.

The High Aspect arched a bushy white brow at him. “While Zastrad does not condone New Rosanthe’s attack on Stormbreak, we also don’t want you bringing your war to our quiet city.”

Caelan offered a shallow bow of his head. “I would not do anything to endanger the peace of Temit.”

The High Aspect snorted. “But if I were interested in pursuing a quiet, civilized chat with someone, the tearoom at the Purple Lotus Hotel is a perfect spot.” He cleared his throat and dropped into his seat again. “I’ll send off my letter to the High Luminance today detailing the reason for your visit as well as the information provided by New Rosanthe. The Marked One is ever efficient and should have a response within two days.”

“Thank you for your assistance and your time, High Aspect. The kingdom of Erya would be greatly honored if you would one day visit me in Stormbreak. I would very much enjoy speaking about Zastrad and theology with you.”

The High Aspect stunned Eno by stopping in the middle of grabbing a black-and-silver fountain pen from a holder. He looked up at Caelan with such an expression of pure joy, but it quickly dissolved into something a little bittersweet. “That is just a lovely idea,” he murmured, and then shook his head as if trying to push the temptation straight out of his head. “But Zastrians don’t leave our home, and I couldn’t possibly be that far from my god.”

Calean smiled. “But it’s as you said, the Dead God is everywhere. If he has need of you, I’m sure he’d follow you to Erya. Besides, I’m the first king of Erya to step foot in Zastrad in more than five centuries. Times change.” Caelan nodded to the man a final time. “My offer will always stand.”

“Thank you, King Caelan.”

“Thank you, High Aspect.”

Eno followed as Caelan strode out of the room, his head even higher, if that were at all possible. Caelan had come a long way. He’d played that quite perfectly; they might not have a clear path to Mrtyu through the High Aspect yet, but at least the door hadn’t been slammed shut in their faces.

They remained silent until they were on the street and in the bright sunlight. The wind was cold as it whipped through the city, tugging at Caelan’s cloak.

“Back to the hotel?” Eno inquired.

Caelan frowned and pulled out his phone. They’d all gotten recharged in the hotel, but there was no cell signal, making it little more than a hefty watch. “I doubt Drayce and the others are there yet. How about we check out the gate leading to the Mrtyu road?”

“We’re not going anywhere near the Purple Lotus Hotel, right?”

“I don’t even know where that is, but no, I’m not searching for the woman. If my plea with the High Luminance falls through and Rayne has trouble with Magar, I want to see what we’re up against with that gate.”

Eno couldn’t argue with that logic. They headed off in the general direction of the gate. It didn’t prove to be overly difficult to find, considering all the main roads in Temit seemed to lead straight to the gate.

It was a massive thing of stone and iron barring the way toward the mountain, requiring a number of different mechanical engines to open and close the monstrosity. They arrived as the doors opened for a long caravan of wagons waiting to file orderly through.