But right in this second, he had Eno. He loved how easily he walked to him, kissed him. Rayne had never been sure he’d find this in his lifetime. There were no benefits to dating and marrying from the perspective of his career. On a more personal level, what were the chances of finding someone who would understand that his entire life revolved around the crown?

No one but Eno.

“After everything we’ve learned about Zastrad, its culture and government, I thought it was best I get some notes down while it’s fresh in my mind.” He tilted his head back and smiled at his lover. “What are the chances I’m going to remember all of this when we reach home again?”

“True,” Eno murmured before pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. The softer side of Rayne that he allowed no one to see melted into a useless puddle of goo. “Don’t stay up too late. I’m going to bed.”

“I’ve called down for some hot water to be sent up. I’m in the mood for tea, and it’ll help me sleep.”

“If you don’t need me for anything, I’m going to grab a shower,” Vale tossed out. She dropped her heavy coat on the sofa where she’d been sleeping since they moved into the hotel. She grabbed her bag stuffed with her belongings and headed for the bathroom they were all sharing.

“Go ahead,” Eno agreed, his eyes never moving from Rayne. “Caelan?”

“Turned in an hour ago with Drayce. He still looked drained from this afternoon. I’ll set the barrier over the hotel room after my hot water is delivered.”

His lover nodded and straightened. “Okay. Don’t stay up too late.” He started for the bedroom they were sharing, a soft smile playing on the lips Rayne had spent far too much time memorizing.

“I love you,” Rayne called out in a low voice, but in the pervasive silence, the words were like a shout.

Eno stopped sharply, the most beautiful grin blooming on his tired features, seeming to give the man fresh energy in the face of overwhelming exhaustion. He held up one finger and wagged it at him. “You’re learning, Lord Laurent. You are learning.” He chuckled.

Yes, he was, and lucky for Eno, Rayne tended to be a fast study. When this was all over, he would excel at keeping that perfect smile on Eno’s face.

Eno continued to their bedroom, humming softly to himself. When Rayne slid into bed tonight, he had a feeling that Eno would roll over and show him exactly how much he loved Rayne in return. It was something Rayne felt in every touch, every kiss. Eno was precious and unique in this way. Once he handed his heart over to someone, he gave all of himself. He saw no reason to hold back any of himself from his lover.

It was certainly not something Rayne had expected when he became involved with Eno, but he treasured it all the same.

But first, he had something that needed to be taken care of before they ascended the mountain to Mrtyu and the Dead God.

He was pouring himself a cup of hot tea when Vale shuffled out of the bathroom, rubbing a towel against her thick, black hair. A little noise of surprise escaped her when she spotted him at the small table in the corner. The hotel had sent up a delicate tea set of purple and gold, complete with sugar, lemon, milk, and honey.

“Would you like a cup of tea?” Rayne inquired, holding the teapot over an empty cup.

Vale wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “I don’t care for what the Zastrians call tea. It’s too thick and chewy.”

Rayne had to fight down a shudder at that description before he continued. “It’s actually Sirelis Black Mint Raspberry.”

She dropped her bag with a heavy thud and rushed across the room to his side, a breeze of floral shampoo and soap followed in her wake. “You have tea from Caspagir?” She drew in a deep breath, dragging the rich, decadent scent of the tea into her lungs.

“It was a gift from the Crown Prince as we were preparing to leave Sirelis. This is the last of it. I thought I’d enjoy it prior to climbing to Mrtyu tomorrow.”

“Then yes, please. I haven’t had Caspagir tea in forever.” There was an almost childlike excitement to her voice as he poured the tea into the empty cup.

“Sugar? Honey?”

“Just a little honey.”

Rayne nodded and made her tea as requested. He carefully handed the cup and saucer over to her, then picked up his own. She moved across the room as if she were carrying a bomb and sat gently on the center sofa cushion. Rayne returned to the chair he’d been in when Eno and Vale had entered the hotel room.

He closed his eyes and breathed in the wonderful scent, allowing it to cast his mind to all the times he’d sipped this tea in his tiny Sirelis flat during his university years. He would sit on the bed with his back against the headboard, books spread about him and Shey stretched beside him, complaining about this professor or that dignitary, while Rayne enjoyed his tea. It was a lifetime ago, and yet it felt so close with a simple smell.