“Yeah, but it was only for a few minutes this time. That’s a big improvement!” Drayce answered on his right. Caelan’s lips wanted to smile in reply to his forced enthusiasm. The worry was thick in his voice, and he was likely holding it together because they had an audience that included more than their trusted group.

With his hand in front of his eyes, Caelan attempted to open them. He blinked and focused on Eno’s worried expression. He flashed the man a quick smile as he lowered his hand to his lap and the worry gave way to relief.

“Welcome back,” Eno murmured.

“Just a catnap.”

“I think you definitely earned it,” Rayne said from behind Caelan.

He twisted in Eno’s arms to look up at his advisor only to have him motion to something in front of Caelan. He gasped and jerked against his bodyguard to see that the tree trunk had nearly doubled in size. The branches stretched up and out to reach well beyond the wall of the little garden. Above their heads was a lush canopy of leaves such a dark shade of green they were nearly black on an abundance of rich purple blossoms with sparkling gold centers.

“Help me up,” Caelan quickly said, already trying to get his feet under him. Eno and Drayce worked together to get Caelan upright. Drayce continued to hold his elbow as he stepped free of Eno’s support. That was probably for the best. His body ached in a lot of places, making it a safe bet that he’d hit the ground when he passed out. There’d been no one there to catch him.

But the various pains and biting cold didn’t matter.

The tree was alive. He’d brought the tree back to life. He brushed his fingers across the rough bark, and he could feel the pulse of life deep within it, stretching from the roots within the dirt to the tips of the branches stretching to the sky.

A low murmur of voices drew Caelan’s eyes from the tree at last. He and Drayce turned to the low wall and the rest of the square to find several priests in black on their knees, bowing their heads and whispering what sounded like prayers to the Dead God. The High Aspect was in the opening to the garden, tears streaming freely down his face as he stared up at the new growth of flowers and leaves.

“Is this the sign the High Luminance sought?” Caelan asked gently.

“Yes. Oh yes,” the man half laughed, half sobbed. “The Dead God has heard you and calls you to his resting place.”

A knot twisted in Caelan’s stomach and his knees wobbled, causing Drayce to tighten his hold on Caelan’s arm. He didn’t know if this tree really had anything to do with the Dead God, but if it got him safely to Mrtyu and the godstone, he’d just have to take it.

He forced his lips into a smile as he looked at the High Aspect. “I’m glad.”

So very close to his goal now.

Lifting his eyes, he stared up at the leaves and flowers against the gray sky, but all he could feel was the dark pit swallowing him up, stealing him away from Drayce and his friends.


Rayne Laurent

The click of the lock being turned had Rayne dropping his hand to the hilt of the dagger on his waist. He pulled it silently from the sheath while setting aside the papers he still gripped in his left hand. He waited, breath held as the door to the hotel room partially opened and then stopped.

“Safety on, please,” Eno urged through the opening, bringing a smile to Rayne’s lips, but he didn’t return the dagger to its sheath until he saw both Eno and Vale walk through the door. She paused long enough to lock the door behind her, a smirk playing on her lips as if she were still amused by some joke or comment she’d shared with Eno before entering the room.

Eno stopped by the chair Rayne was in, his arm draping over the high back as he bent down to brush a kiss to Rayne’s temple. “I thought you’d be in bed already. We’ve got an early day tomorrow.”

Rayne closed his eyes, soaking in the perfection of this moment. Eno’s lips and nose were cold, but his breath was warm. He and Vale had taken a turn through the hotel and around the block, checking to make sure they weren’t being watched. Even if they didn’t spot anything, Rayne knew someone had to be close. Safa would not take this defeat lightly. She had to be looking for a way to get at Caelan or at least up to the godstone.

Yash couldn’t be too happy either. The chosen sign had nothing to do with her advice, and they had their way up to Mrtyu without Kamal Giri’s assistance. They needed to watch themselves in Temit and Mrtyu when it came to Kamal. He had to be worried they’d warn the High Luminance that Kamal had plans against them.