Page 170 of Xo (Kathryn Dance 3)

Sometimes you stay, sometimes you run.

The past is good, but the future looms.

Let's have a baby, or maybe not.

Let's buy this place, no, we should move.


3. The hours pass, there's not much done.

The middle's harder than we thought.

It's been fun.

But the rain's let up. Let's take a walk.

We've got an hour before it's night.

Oh, you'd rather watch the game?

I understand. No, it's all right.


4. I get back home and in the hall

I find a note. You're outside jogging

After all.

I try a jigsaw piece or two,

But finally I admit defeat.

I guess that's how it often goes,

Some puzzles we just can't complete.


Leaving Home

1. Packing up the suitcase, filling boxes to the brim.

Years and years of memories, trying to fit them in.

I never really thought that there might come a time, When everything would change and I'd have to say goodbye.


Now I'm starting over, starting over once again, To try to make a new life, without family or friends.

In all my years on earth, there's one thing that I know: Nothing can be harder than to leave behind your home.

2. This room, it was my daughter's, who's grown and lives nearby.

She's got babies of her own, oh, I'll miss them till I cry.