Page 171 of Xo (Kathryn Dance 3)

This room is the one where my man and I would sleep.

Or sometimes never sleep at all, if you know what I mean.


3. And here's the porch we'd sit on, after dinner every night.

My husband talked about his job and I'd tell him 'bout mine.

Then dishes and some cleaning, some homework and to bed.

And the joy of seeing sunrise as the day would start again.


4. Oh, we had quite some parties, to mark those special times.

Christmases and Easters and the Fourth of July.

Any cause for celebration, but the best, at least for me, Was my daughter's graduation when she got her degree.


5. We worked hard at our jobs and bought ourselves this home.

We gave back what we got and never hurt a soul.

But I guess I was just naive and I didn't see the truth: Why judge people by their hearts? It's simpler to use rules.

6. Now the bus drives through the gate, at the border line, And drops me off in Juarez, deported for the crime Of loving the great USA as if she were my own.

I turn and say goodbye to what's been my only home.


Then in Spanish:

"America, the Beautiful"

O beautiful for spacious skies,

For amber waves of grain,

For purple mountain majesties

Above the fruited plain!

America! America!

God shed His grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet

Whose stern impassion'd stress