‘No. Well...yes. But not really. The band have a recorded backing track they can use.’

‘So that’s not quite a yes. But it’s not a no, either.’

She gave him an agonised look. ‘I always wondered why you didn’t play—you’re so good. When you told me about your father I put two and two together. But this is...it’s your place. You should fill it with your sound. Of course, if you really don’t want to...’

He held up his hand and Marie fell silent. ‘Send them through when they arrive. I’ll help them set up their equipment.’

‘So that’s a yes?’

‘Not quite. But it’s not a no, either.’

‘Okay. Good.’

She gave him a ravishing smile and hurried away.

* * *

Marie could have made more of a mess of that, but she wasn’t sure how. Although Alex hadn’t seemed too cross, and he was at least going to talk to the a capella band.

There was plenty left to do. She had to make sure all the examination rooms were locked, and call Sonya to check that she had their special guests in hand. Then rescue Zack before he got himself completely buried under piles of bunting, and make sure the cafeteria staff had everything they needed...

The bouncy castle was inflating nicely, and when the band arrived she sent them through to the cafeteria. Zack appeared, red-faced and grinning, declaring that the bunting was finally all under control.

‘Who’s playing the piano?’

Soft strains of music were floating through into the reception area. A few chords, and then a woman’s voice, singing a few bars and then stopping as player and singer began to adjust to each other.

‘Um... Alex, probably.’

‘He plays?’ Zack took a few steps in the direction of the music. ‘I’ve got to see this.’

‘No, I need you here.’ Mari

e frowned at her brother.


‘Help me get these display boards up.’

This was something Alex needed to do on his own for a while. The woman’s voice had begun to swell, more powerful now, and she could hear Alex beginning to follow her lead. They didn’t need any interruptions.

Zack pulled a face. ‘Okay, where do you want them...’

The countdown seemed to fly by. Sonya arrived, along with the special guests she’d promised to bring—a footballer and a runner—who ceremonially opened the gates at two o’clock to let the small crowd that had gathered in.

The sun shone, and more people came. The sound of voices and music echoed through from the cafeteria, and the two celebrities set up shop in the reception area to sign autographs and smile for an endless number of photographs.

The clinic staff were all busy showing small groups around and answering questions, the café was packed, and the bouncy castle was a big hit with the children. People were sitting out on the grass at the back of the clinic, just enjoying the sun. Sonya had the reception area well under control, and Alex was nowhere to be seen.

When she heard the singers stop for a break, and the strains of the piano drifted through from the cafeteria, Marie smiled. Finally she felt that she might join him.

The lead singer of the a capella group, a shy woman who suddenly became a force of nature when she opened her mouth to sing, was standing by the piano, tapping her foot and drinking a glass of lemonade. When she put her glass down and nodded to Alex, he smiled, working the music around to what seemed to be an agreed point, when the woman started to sing.

It was breathtaking. Full of energy and soul. And both of them were clearly enjoying themselves.

Marie sat down in the corner of the cafeteria and Zack hurried up, putting a cappuccino down on the table in front of her before turning to help the serving staff. Everything was under control.

This was what the clinic was all about. A community helping each other. It was about Alex too. She’d asked him if he thought that the clinic would save him. Watching him here, it seemed that it just might.